yeah for example there is definitely no video of them laughing about shudderwock before it released. im totally making that up…oh, wait…
The devs miss decks all the time in development. They didn’t think Cubelock was going to be a thing, then it was the topdeck during Kobolds and Catacombs.
Why does everyone only ever call it a Healthy Meta if Paladin is rock bottom???
just thought it was humorous lol
Healthy meta doesn’t mean all decks are viable. It means a large portion of decks are viable right now. Paladin just happened to get bad stuff this expansion.
you are lying about them prediciting the meta and laughing about it
a video promoting an expansion is completely unrelated to what you are saying
Stop responding to him, he’s clearly a troll. He’s talking about the Prerelease video where Ben Brode was laughing his head off with Day9.
ben brode ?
im pretty sure it would be really hard to find a pre release video with him in it and not laughing
With this logic, why isn’t paladin OP when it has a 5 mana spell that do 25 p. of damage :v?
Yeah it really bodes for the class when an expansion, that is such a massive powerspike for every single EVIL class, gives you nothing but duds.
Do you not see how this will be a massive problem once rotation happens? Almost every Galakrond deck will keep close to it’s powerlevel, meanwhile everything else gets gutted as usual. Is that what you call healthy???
Just because your favorite class isn’t good doesn’t mean the balance team is doing a bad job. There’s always a worst class, and Paladin is that class right now.
Be that as it may, the meta is still the healthiest it’s been since Rise of Shadows.
There’s a good variety of Warriors, Warlocks, Priests, Rogues, Shamans, and Hunters. That’s better than having only 2-3 decks being good and seeing them on ladder all the time.
Rotation is a problem I’ll give you that. But they have a whole other expansion plus the coming adventure to prepare for it.
Let’s hope they nerf Hunter to the ground as well.
Just play Priest lol.
Thing is, every Shaman, Rogue, Warlock and Warrior (sans Pirate) deck getting play are either already based around Galakrond, or just moving more and more towards it.
It’s getting to this point because the invoke twice cards are just blatantly overpowered; this wouldn’t be so bad if invoking was a big tempo loss like say, buffing C’thun or having to play a 1/1 reborn was but on the whole, it’s not at all so it’s just lmao.
Ok, but Galakrond was one of the main themes of the expansion. It’s what the new keyword was made for. So it’s a problem the new cards were successful?
It’s a problem when they were only granted to half the classes and are driving the entire meta, yes
Going to need more of an explanation of than they’re “driving the meta.” If Galakrond decks aren’t allowed to be good, what is?
oh yeah RoS meta was so healthy. Coin flip between control warrior and mechhunter every game. Loved it.
With Tempo Rogue and Cyclone Mage to round it out, post-nerf RoS meta was good. You people just hated Control Warrior.
I don’t want to. I play Mage exclusively and only have the fitting cards for Highlander or older decks that nobody plays anymore, because they no longer work.
I can tech vs. Hunter with Highlander, but it will ruin my other matchups. I won’t do that just because Blizz allows for 20/80 matchups.