More Deck Slots Please!

While things are being changed and worked on this year, can we (pretty) please have new deck slots? I’m always deleting and remaking decks. Can each class have a tab of at least 10 slots?

Classes have so many archetypes and more if you’re a Wild player. Personally speaking from a Standard point of a view and using Shaman as an example, I can list these types of decks:

Evolve Shaman
Totem Shaman
Quest Shaman
Highlander Shaman
Enhancement Shaman
Big Spell Shaman
Murloc Shaman
(and many other hybrids that might incorporate more than one thing)

Blizzard Deck Recipes:
Classic Shaman
Totemic Overoad
Corrupted Waters

(Year of the Phoenix. What about Year of the Dragon builds?)

From the Forums:
Marcoscongas’ Shaman build
rbr1018’s Shaman build

(I love trying out forum goers builds!)

Thijs’ builds

(I follow mostly Thijs, but insert your favourite streamers here)

My own zany builds. I’ve actually been doing Darkmoon Faire expansion only ones. So deck builds by expansion.

So to recap, there’s easily 10 builds for one class to muck around with. I mostly play for fun and push ladder with favourable builds when I need, but it would be so helpful just to have them all sitting there and play one after another.

Actually, I have a deck existing in my list to play against the Lich King right now when I ever want to attempt the fight again. I’ve been having fun using newer cards against him each new expansion to see how they perform.

Also, with more and more different hero art and card backs coming to the game, each deck could have it’s own hero and back to match what the deck’s theme is etc.

If a community Blue ever sees this, please pass it on to the team as they’re reworking parts of the game for consideration.

#ExtraDeckSlots2021 … ?


I used to just say “put extras in text files.” Now that I’m playing a ton of different wacky decks I’m ready to not have to do that anymore. My google drive folder is overflowing. :smiley:


I have a word document that has a ton of deck codes in them that I’m trying to keep updated lol.

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More deck space is needed. It’d be cool to see if they could revamp the deck list choices, because at some point trying to sort and toggle between 5 pages would be annoying.

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Create an account and forge your own decks and they will stay there.
Problem solved.

just delete the ones you dont use

I would prefer all in house but it’s something to use I guess.

Definitely been doing that!

My number one wish for a while now has been more deck slots


I use them all. I play one deck until I lose, then switch to a deck for whichever class I just lost to. I also like to mix it up so I’ve got multiple decks per class.

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I agree, more slots would be very helpful. With so many different deck to play on both wild and standard, I find myself having to figure out which deck to delete in order to create a new one.


there’s not even one good deck for each class

More deckslots would only confuse us

That’s not the point. The point is to freely switch between decks, regardless of win rate.

Also, that entirely depends on your definition of “good.” To me it means fun. To others it means it will take them to legend. Most of the climbers probably don’t want (or need) as many slots.

I’d like to see one page per hero, or at least more pages to scroll through. The first is a major UI change and will probably never happen. The second, assuming the code is halfway decent, should be pretty easy.

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Tempostorm Wild Meta Snapshot would like to have a word with you. Just cause you can’t cobble a decent deck together to save your life in Standard doesn’t make that a universal truth. Let alone if you gasp happen to play more than one format. I mean Jesus, I only play Wild and don’t even have space for all the decks I’d like to regularly use. As a matter of fact, that has been the case BEFORE they added DH. Now it’s even worse. 10 classes, 18 deck slots. Really smooth math right there, Bliz.

I would be playing all kinds of different
decks if I had more slots to do so


I’ve got a google drive folder with almost 50 decks in it and am still finding / creating new ones.


Same, however I may have even more haha

Top decks just did a summary of iksar ?Twitter responses…one of which talked about possibly more deck slots?!? What???

Yessssss pleasssseeee

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Linky rinky do please

And yes, that sounds silly. I’d have just said “Link?” but the boards apparently don’t trust that I’m a human unless I can type more than 19 letters at a time. :expressionless: