Molten Giant Disenchant Bug

Now that is actual troll. Okay.

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And Cuddles posts complaint thread after complaint thread on these forums

The reason he has a bad time is because he doesnā€™t learn


Nah, heā€™s just trolling, itā€™s literally the only thing he does with every thread he posts

Iā€™ve had 10 tickets opened in the last 3 months, not once did I get what I wanted from them, and I never even begged them to revert a mistake I made in-game

Itā€™s wishful thinking

Heā€™s just baiting people to get banned cuz heā€™s bored andā€¦ well obviously I canā€™t finish this sentence, or heā€™ll get what he wants.

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You realize that itā€™s literally their job to say that things that are YOUR fault arenā€™t your fault?

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The person with 4 posts who says they donā€™t care about being banned, calling another a troll, brilliant

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As long as its your mistake, blizz one day will stop helping. If that was a case and you didnā€™t make up the story out of thin air. Literally not a single thing I said is wrong atm, except my english, probably.

Then it is good it has not been my mistake and Blizz continues to help make it right

Look Iā€™m not encouraging anyone to violate the code of conduct, this is Blizzardā€™s house please respect their rules

but um when people make stupid opening posts, it is glorious and righteous to troll them for their stupid, so if I was crafty Iā€™d take it as a compliment

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You people are being riled up on purpose.
Itā€™s likely that no dust was refunded to this person because a ticket was probably never even made. The entire story is most probably fabricated.

They claim to have received a refund to incite anger over their supposed preferential treatment compared to what you might experience with the support system. This is blatant bait. If it wasnā€™t my comment solidified the solution. Just type ā€œrefund.ā€ Itā€™s not hard. Their insistent replying says it all. Bait.


Now he is going to tell you, its blizzards fault and he is right.
Im taking the bait willingly. Im also bored and waiting for ticket response for 3 days. Wait a minute, so he got a response faster than me?! KEKWAIT


Yeah, now that I think about it Cuddles does just routinely lie in opening posts. Like in another recent thread he claimed to have just come back from a year long break.

But idk for some reason, maybe itā€™s the name, maybe itā€™s the avatar, I have a tendency to not notice who it is until after Iā€™ve responded. I always act like itā€™s some random person with the benefit of the doubt

Sounds like a job for the ignore list

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I would be glad for several of you to add me to your ignore list honestly

Now Im feeling guilty. But do not make the same mistake ever again.

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Oh, I still intend on reading and replying to your posts

I just want a little warning indicator that itā€™s you first

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Well that is quite annoying of you then, as you already know I loathe basically everything about you (at least as such as you present online in this forum). And of course you already know I donā€™t block people that is why I was almost happy you were finally going to block me, but alas youā€™ve let me down once again, as expected.