MMR matches are [not really] broken

And every time you reply you cement that the matchmaker is rating your actual performance properly.

Whine at me all you want, your record speaks the only truth that matters.

The fact that you wrote this here means you don’t understand a single thing I am saying in this thread. Literally nothing.

At this point I just feel sorry for you.

I understand perfectly well what you’re saying, it’s just that what you’re saying is wrong.

Sorry, but not really sorry.

No, dude you clearly do not understand or you wouldn’t continue to repeat the same error over and over, just making yourself look foolish.

You very clearly missed the entire conversation and substituted your own misunderstanding for the facts.

It isn’t that you can’t understand it, it’s that you’re so blinded by your own … whatever… that you are blocking yourself from any sort of actual understanding.

It’s hard to be as much of a troll as you and have actual human emotions, so I get it.

I wish you had kept to this as the end of the conversation here. Mand is relatively intelligent, but they have a certain myopia that makes the ongoing conversation irritating in its repetitiveness. Deciding to end it was the correct decision

I still think I agree with you, but I have no first-had knowledge of how the system works, because I’ve been being matched by mmr nearly all of the time anyway because I don’t try to climb. Anecdotally, it seems to be easier for some people to get to legend now, which would also contradict Mand’s assertions that it isn’t different now, but that’s just anecdotal, so probably not relevant

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Sorry to bring this up again but I’ve finished my new account’s climb on the second month of the test with 2218 EU legend by piloting Zarimi priest (the same deck I’ve started with being stuck on gold last month). The experiment is now over.

So the result is the following - it could be painful to be stuck with no bonus stars but 8 stars this month have allowed me to finish D10-Legend climb so any smurf account would expect their legend on 2nd month until they wish to fight all the way up from initial rank (which would take enormous amount of time).

Why shouldn’t it take enormous amounts of time?

I just compare it to the older system plus it haven’t taken too many time to go from D10-Legend with no bonus due to 7 to 9 games long winstreaks but if I’d have to repeat that few more times I’d be hardstuck with higher MMR and 50% winrate which would’ve made further climb pretty hard. Also I’ve been given 8 stars even with gold 5 last month so system pushes you forward anyway and flat climb doesn’t worth the effort by design.

Anyway, system works fine in general, just the way it works is different and somehow stops smurfs from first month legend, that’s it.