Mini set live Sept 10th

Just like the original while in standard he probably gives the “cheapest” or “most effective” cards; like if opponent is at six hectic says here is 2 lightning bolts, but when he moves to wild his Alzheimer’s kicks in and he is like oh the opponent is at six here is 2 fireballs they do six

He won’t try to do that. He will just pick 2 damage things at random.

They could be at 6 health with a wall of taunts and you have no minions, and he could be like “cool, here’s a lightning bolt and bloodlust” (assuming bloodlust is in the damage pool)

This Zephrys WILL NOT look for lethal.

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But it’s still a card that chooses for the player, right?
Idk why any real DCG player would be ok with auto play mechanics to this degree.

Technically this is a more well designed zephyrs by your own terms.
Because who decides what type of cards you need is you.

Reddit has a thread of the zeph pools, apparently

I cannot verify of course. Can’t even post links properly lol

reddit. com/r/hearthstone/comments/1f8dnb8/dreamplanner_zephryss_3_card_pools_taken_from/

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It’s good purpose-oriented value for 3 mana. I still want to know the exact pool to determine whether I want it or not but with this information looks like a pretty good legendary.

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It is Just another flexible card that is either busted or will see 0 play.
And considering the other neutral legendaries aren’t really briliant then i would guess that is the one planned to be busted.

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It’s a card that assists the player by algorithm, right?
So even if it is better than the original Zephrys in terms of player agency, it is still a card that intervenes on behalf of the player.
idk. To me, cards like this defeat the purpose of playing.
I felt the same way about Theotar, original Zeph, etc.
I would rather lose from my own mistakes than win from a computer assist.

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If i learned anything with khadgar is that blizzard loves buzzwords that mean nothing on cards.

You should read the card as:
Discover a pool of cards to get 2 random cards from.


Well, that sounds better, but it still sounds like Team 5 is completely out of ideas.
This card is just a rehash of a card that I didn’t like in the first place.

I think It is worse than lack of ideas.

It’s stagnation.

Don’t say they can’t Go there and design for example…
An expansion around start of game effects.

They can. In fact blizzard did not even Scratch the limit of digital card games yet.

It is Just that they really don’t let the past go and it is present both in mechanics/effects but also in character representation.
The game is in the equivalent of a 40’s crisis to a human.

They either let it go or things will get ugly really fast.

I think I agree. Were it me, I would toss Discover. The keyword has got to be the most abused ever.
Another I wish would go away is lifesteal, because it is designed poorly, imo.

We as players did explore discover so much that we have even our own “build your discover” card.

It is insane How much we capitalized on it.

yeah. If other features have: “had their time”, as I have been told here on more than one occasion, then it’s safe to say that Discover is overdue for a vacation.

It’s just corporations being corporations. Blizzard, like Disney, wants nostalgia to save them.

MCU is doing bad so we take RDJ (you love him, right? he played Iron Man, you sure loved that guy) and Russos. Oh and we have all your beloved classic Disney animated stories in live action, do not think they are bad know, just think of the good memories of watching the originals.

Blizzard is the same.


It isn’t that people hate discover either.

It is Just that the amount is insane for something that should not be on the Spotlight RN.

No. It does not do that.

You pick from 3 smaller pools of old Zephrys cards and you get 2 at random of the pool you select.

There’s no algorithm. You are just getting 2 random cards.

2 random board interactions
2 random cards to spend a lot of Mana
Or 2 random cards to deal damage.

This is a more accurate description of the card.

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You don’t know that, unless there’s a new official statement by the Devs.

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There was… They said he doesn’t read the board at all. You are just picking card pools for random cards.

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Where? Reddit? Post must be at least 20 characters

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