Mini set live Sept 10th

the better everything. You meant to say everything.

More armor than a warrior
Better Mage than Mage
Better healing than Priest
More mana than anyone else
Better draw than anyone else


OMFG I just saw the Shaman reveal…Shaman just got ANOTHER tourist wtf??? Now they can also have access to Hunter cards???

Please tell me this is a joke?


Nailed it lmao, Druid next please.

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This is so unreal…how is that even fair? lol


That is the best part. It isn’t.

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Are they 2 neutral tourists being added?

Edit: nope, it’s what I was saying, 2 classes just getting more deck options than everyone else.

mage should get the priest cards next

But sometimes you might just get what you need :smiley:

can we finally admit that there might be some class favortism happening at Team 5?

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If it’s Druid I’m gonna lose my mind.


Dyum, powercreep. We still remember Varian at 10 :smiley:

Wait so only a few classes will get an extra tourist? Based on what? How’s that a good thing?

Are these devs just trying to alienate as many of their players as possible on purpose for some reason? Is this a joke? What’s happening?


It’s even worse. That means DK gets shorted a card because it can’t use the tourist so it only gets 2 dk cards and 1 shaman card this mini set.

Same with whatever the other class is that tours the new tourist.


Just when you think they can’t go farther with the subtle favoritism…

They abandon the subtlety.

Yeah, this decision is just way worse than the normal only 2 classes getting a legendary in the mini set.

At least the 1 tourist per deck rule should apply to the classes that have two, but it’s dumb that those 2 classes will basically have an extra set of cards compared to everyone else until rotation to work with.


Yeah it means they have more viable decks really.

I have a feeling someone is going to get a Druid tourist so we will have another class that will be able cheat mana.

Druid getting DH tourist so we get token druid back on top of the actual meta.

You read here first.


Watch it be rogue touring druid.

Or just give druid a new tour, like touring into death knight so they can also have horizon’s edge while flooding the board with dragons.

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Are you guys sure there will be more than one Tourist revealed?

I would expect there be a Tourist, another regular usage class Legendary and two Neutral ones. Will there really be two Tourists?

It’s looking like it’s going to be hunter getting an extra tourist, since they have an extra reveal scheduled.