Mini set live Sept 10th

Twitter post when a streamer was talking about it and incorrectly assuming it worked like old zeph.


Found the post for you


They should seriously abandon twitter. It is now almost purely MAGAland. I block them every time but since they’re the only ones there they keep showing up on the main feed (unless Elon does it on purpose (I wouldn’t be surprised)).

So i guess its just a random value generation card. I will still play it, but im dissapointed with the design of the new Zephrys with how much effort and flavor went into the original

Unless the meta slows down some. I dont think random value is gonna be very good for most decks. Feels weird they didnt make it a highlander card especially when it looks like a highlander card lol

I have culled mine to basically just hearthstone and unavoidable political ads. I wish devs used their own forums more though.


Well, by that logic, then all the weird discovery cards that you let you go back in time to grab old set cards make every Wild card legal in standard.

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The original is probably the most expensive card ever develop to this game. The amount of time that got into It was like…

2/3 years to literally make 1 card.

I don’t expect any dev team to put that amount of effort on a single card again.

Card library has been updated with shaman warrior and hunter reveals.

Shaman brochure turns out to also deal damage to minion… except instead of freeze it cleaves adjacent for 1 damage. Sorry not everyone’s gonna be like druid :joy:

Then they got a totem that on paper supports token/aggro, but even with their tourist I’m not sure if it’ll compete with going pirates/DH tourist. Not exactly good for totem shaman in wild either.

Warrior got a taunt mech that gives them armor, a handbuff spell that can mana cheat if it’s the only minion in their hand, and a removal/semi-aoe giving their hero attack and cleave for a turn. So basically support for their usual control/armor until they can do big stupid stuff late game.

Hunter gets beasts. One is a sticky 3 drop with somewhat high attack. The other more interesting but also seemingly pretty bad. 3/7 beast taunt gives hunter a coin whenever it takes damage.

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Cash cow might be better than it looks at first glance. Very few cards in the meta kill it outright, and fewer things deal 7+ damage at once, so it’ll probably give 2+ coins on use.

So you drop this on 5, and can probably follow it up with an 8 drop the next turn if they push through your 3/7 taunt.

It’s not a jaw dropping card, but I think it has some potential.


ATM hunter has nothing to support this. I am guess this is going to be a card we all forget about and in 6 months or so a set of cards will be created and released and this card will end up being the missing piece.

It’s not really a card that needs support. It’s a 3/7 taunt for 5 that probably ramps you for 2+ next turn.

It also scales up with hand buff quite well, which hunter does just fine.

It’s more splashable than it looks at a first glance. It would not surprise me for this card to show up in some of their better lists while this is in standard.

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It doesn’t fit into Secret, Token or Egg hunter. Is there some new deck that can be built with this in mind?

priest might play it, though I doubt it

it’s good with ranger gilly :rofl:

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not all of them, but quite a few

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It’s also solid in a typical handbuff OTK package as it helps them ramp their Mana availability to OTK you and is a decent defensive option on top of that.

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Sure looks like a game of smoke and mirrors. Don’t get your expectations too high, the bigger they are, the harder they fall :smiley: