Maybe some light can be shed on this topic?

Not anymore it doesn’t! LOL

  1. “but this is not a children’s game so OP’s entire argument is invalid”

If this isn’t a children’s game then why does it needs censorship for blood, death, bones, a bit of cleavage and “suggestive” card names (like “mistress”)
If this isn’t a children’s game then why does it needs to be PEGI 7?
If this isn’t a children’s game then why are some people in the forum defending Blizzard’s censorship? Are they just trolling?

If this is a children’s game, then Blizzard has to lower the cost of the packs.
If this isn’t a children’s game, then Blizzard has to remove censorship.

  1. but I created a new account and got to legend in 2 months so clearly you are a noob if you are paying 70 dollars and you can’t win games

I congratulate you but that’s not OP’s point. He wants to play with all the expansion cards just because he likes variety, and he thinks he should get all the expansion cards if he’s paying a substantial amount of money, like, 70 dollars, which is kind of the price of a new game.

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I like how you said the exact same thing three sentences in a row, but had to rephrase it each time. lol

Neither one of your conclusions follow from the preceding statements.


I’d have to disagree with this. It says clearly, more than once, on Blizzard’s Hearthstone website that Hearthstone is “a game for everyone”, by implication that includes children.
However, I don’t see where the OP gets the idea that it is a “children’s card game”, that’s not something Blizzard have ever said to my knowledge.

“This is a game for everyone, including children” is not the same as “this is a children’s game.” The latter statement implies the game was designed specifically (or primarily) to be played by children, which is not implied by the former statement.


And your point is? That’s exactly what I said in my reply.

My point is that in the context of the post you quoted, it reads like you are saying that “Hearthstone is a children’s game” is an accurate description.


For one expansion it should not be so expensive. I can understand this game being expensive if you want to have cards from previous expansions on top of the current one but just one expac alone is ridiculously expensive…I’ve always bought bundles but they were never enough, I could only manage to put together 2 maybe 3 decks if I’m lucky and that includes disenchanting all the extras, and as someone who doesnt have time to gold farm I still have to put out another 80 or so dollars to fully enjoy the expansion. I’ve watched DaneHS spend 50 quid on packs just for one legendary, an expansion he had already opened alot of packs from…and he didn’t pull it. He only got 1200 dust from those packs and that still wasnt enough for his legendary. Which reminds me the dust cost in this game is ridiculous. Disenchanting 4 legendaries equals to the cost of just one legendary…and still hasn’t changed. Now that is what I call expensive.

In the interest of fairness, I’ve spent at most $20 on this game since i first played it. Coming back after several sessions the first thing im greeted with is a plethora of quests that grant card packs for free & gold.

You don’t have to buy card packs. However since you have you should take the time to go through and dust anything you don’t expect to use. I’ve made 3 budget decks in the last week doing just that. I even go so far as to open my deck for a class while I clear the craftables, it makes it pretty easy.

I dont have hagatha or shudderwalk but that doesn’t mean I can’t have fun smashing my murlocs into Garroshs face because he can’tclear my board and is relying on rng from both decks. My tempo mage has nothing spectacular in it but I’m still going toe to toe with pogo rogues. Granted I’m pretty low in ranked but I’m not sweating over it either, I’m just in it for the fun.

Moreover, and I’ve said this just last night, but card packs are free, the game is free. You can pay for a little bit of progress if you so desire and theirs frankly nothing wrong with it, but those same youtubers/ twitch streamers constantly have thousands of gold for a reason. You dont need 100+ card packs to put a few decks together. Dust those cards brother, you dont have to carry all that weight.

I didnt find your post particularly offensive by any means, these forums are for discussion after all and i for one appreciate your opinion as paying $$$ for packs is rather expensive. Asside from the welcom bundle the best deal is $1.50 a pack, rough estimate since im feeling too lazy to check atm. However, you’re probably sitting on all of the resources you need.

Your literally starts with “Hearthstone is meant to be a child friendly”. That is your main point, all arguments stem from that. Or else why would you lead with that? And that is where I got the assumption, which is a correct assumption. And based on that, your entire argument is complete garbage. It is what it is. If you don’t like that, make a new argument.

But I don’t see that happening. You have already, more than once in this thread alone, doubled down on your original argument. You have provided no evidence at all that you are willing to debate.

Also you believe you are clever in calling people “you the customer”. But you are not. There are no customers here. There are consumers only. You cannot buy anything here. Nothing here belongs to you. You play this game at the [company that shall not be named]'s will. And they can delete your account by that same will. They usually have a reason, but they don’t actually need a reason. They prefer that you stay, because that increases the chances you will spend money. But they have the power and the right to terminate any one of us at any time for any reason, or no reason. And the only recourse one has is to send in a ticket, which is no recourse at all, because at the end of the day, they hold all of the chips, it says so right in the ToS, in multiple places.

First off I have no idea why you are replying to me, when others responded to you? So that is strange to begin with. And what is more if this is not a children’s game why are they censoring the most adult cards? You sir lost your argument and need to go home. Have a nice day.

My argument stands. You have not yet provided a valid argument that can defeat my argument. You are trying though, hard, I will give you that. But you are failing, hard.

Keep trying though. However, I do have to say, you are remind of the little kid who is being held back at arms length by a larger person, just flailing into the air.

Also, I believe I just replied to another of your posts. You are not going to like what I have to say there either. I dismantled yet another one of your failed arguments. Please, feel free to flail at the air in that thread as well.


You think you sound smart in your posts, but you’re actually coming across as an egotistical jackass. Just thought I’d let you know in case you weren’t aware.

Blizzard designed this game to make money not for the children. The children will be better served if they read a book instead.

That sounds about right. But I am missing the part about how being an egocentric “equine” excludes the possibility of being above average intelligent.

Can’t a person of that description also be smart? What if that egotistical nature is completely justified. What if it is a fact that I am better and am not ashamed to show it and, in fact, revel in it? I have no problems rubbing my above average intelligence in the faces of those less intelligent.

This is a matter of coming up to my level or staying where you are. Choose to improve to meet the challenge or stay as you are(not necessarily you specifically, unless you feel that, if so then yes, you), stagnate and stale.

I have never met anyone who has said; “I am happy being as ignorant as I am.” Just saying.

Anyway, your post and mine are both off-topic and are considered troll posts. We should probably refrain from further discussion of this here. You had your say, I had mine, we are even. If we leave it at that I am sure the moderators will let our transgression slide this time.

It’s not primarily a ‘children’s’ card game so let’s get that straight first.

  1. They’re a business.
  2. The game is completely free to play. Your card collection fills out quicker if you bought them of course, but that’s up to you. You don’t have to do that at all. Some cheap dust decks work extremely well and if you save 1600 dust you can craft Zayle or Whizbang for a free 5 (Zayle) to 18 (Whizbang) decks that also do well. (They are random when you enter a match though).

I made an account just for a certain class and dusted everything that wasn’t neutral or for that class. I have gone down from Rank 50 to 25 and have as good as deck as anyone. So there is that road if you want to do it.

Try buying some video games that are for ‘children’ or buy some physical booster packs like Pokemon or Yugioh and you’ll see that the cost is worse.

That’s not because of the cost, that’s because of the cards they design for certain classes. Also because people hate the RNG side of it.

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Eh…I mean, I play murlock shaman and zoo warlock and pogo knife lady and wizbang and have spend 5 dollars on the game. I mean, I think its fine. Controll decks cost money. Its called wallet warrior for a reason.

this aged quite well

all the people saying this not a child game is flat out wrong, blizzard has said a few times the wow franchise is indeed for children. nothing wrong with that. but for sure a 5 year could play and understand all of hearthstone. hearthstone is indeed one of if not the simplest card games, and that is by design

also 300 bucks a year is relatively cheap. have you ever enrolled a child into soccer? soccer can cost literally thousands of dollars a year if your child excels.