Mage Pack Bundle Questions

I have 2 questions about the Mage Pack Bundle:

  1. If we buy the bundle, but don’t open the packs until rotation, will we potentially get cards from the new set, and no card from the 3 sets that rotate out?

  2. I realize it’s nice to get “Mage only” cards, but why are they essentially $2 per pack? Even the least efficient (2 packs) in the store has the packs for any set as approximately $1.50 each. This doesn’t appear to be a “deal” unless you’re desperate for exactly Mage cards.

Thanks in advance for the feedback!


Let me the first to tell you, it’s not worth it. I got all garbage out of my packs - just 1 epic. Nothing new for my collection - totally regret the purchase.

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about if its worth iy or not

dont believe the above poster who didnt bother to tell us how many cards from the year of the dragon packs he was missing

if you are trying to complete your mage collection write the word “missing” on your collection filter this will show you in crafting mode all the cards you dont own then just check pack by pack

if is worth buying or not youll be able to tell just by looking at your collection

for me it isnt because i already have most of the mage cards from year of the dragon

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This bundle wouldn’t be worth it even if someone didn’t have a single Mage card. There’s literally no silver lining with this “deal”.

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without cards ? it can be a good idea

but since it says "standard " id wait until rotation to open them

Nope, they’ve altered the text in the update post to clear it up:

you can get 5 Mage Packs containing strictly Mage class cards from all expansions in Standard ( The Witchwood, The Boomsday Project, Rastakhan’s Rumble, Rise of Shadows , Saviors of Uldum , and Descent of Dragons )

I’d take this as a guarantee that these particular packs will always pull from those expansions unless otherwise stated.

Pretty much, and this is not the meta to be desperate for Mage cards lol


I’ve spent no money on any of those expansions, just bought about 70 packs from saving gold for each expac…thats all. I literally got nothing i didn’t already have and i’ve spent no money…i really felt burned and justified my reasons to not spend like in the past.

Let’s not forget the purpose of releasing these packs is to commemorate 6th anniversary. If you don’t buy them now you’ll never be able to own them in future.

Is that supposed to be an incentive to purchase them?

If anything, it’s a disappointment, THAT is what they come up with for an anniversary deal.

Im all for experimentation, but this is a bit egregious.


It comes across as pure ‘nickel and diming’, trying to milk your paying player base for less and less value. Its things like this, coupled with a couple of shbolic mobile launches that makes me feel like the value is lost in spending on HS.


Thanks, you’re right that they updated the text… So, if someone does get this bundle, it’ll only be from those. Good to know, and that informs my decision. Good spot on that!

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wait… they are peddling ANOTHER SET OF CARDS! Oh boy. I’m astounded.
Blizzard… if you want to cash in on the mobile “gaming” business so bad than create a sister company and perform your acts of mass debauchery there. Leave the people who created pc gaming alone. EG die-hard Diablo and WoW fans. I’m not one of them. But those guys are the ones who hosted your servers in thier garage when you were little. Guys like them payed the subs before tbc.

I would urge people to just craft what you need with leftover dust from new set openings.

if you can get 6,000 gold between each set that’s 60 packs plus 12 free from Blizz. dust the obvious loser cards or cards from classes you don’t play and you should have plenty of dust to craft with.

you DO realize that would require multiple months of playing daily quests right?
like 80 days of quests.
or you can just fork over your hard earned currency.

I’m super casual now. Even I can log in once every 3days for 60 minutes.

maybe is just a hint mage is getting good cards to play with next expansion

I will never play mage if i can help it.

I hate playing against mages, it’s just not fun. I don’t want to be on that train. And i don’t want to be that guy playing mage.