Mage nerf incoming soon?

I mean its unbeatable with anything except maybe rogue or lucky aggro deck


what exactly is unbeatable?

whole deck? you got board they freeze it till they can deal with it hero power getting more and more op drawing spells to get 1 turn more in a single turn etc etc this deck has almost no weakness


not a single card named on the OP or the deck type/name
and not even a week after the expansion release

looks like bait

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No Minion mage is quite a manipulating deck and it’s difficult to beat but unbeatable seems a bit much and asking for nerfs does not help anyone.

if your in wild they are not unbeatable as control but they are truly borderline too powerfull…they only need a slight tweak by like 1 stat to a few cards they run to be at just fine amount of power

-1/1 to sayge
-1 health to the 8/8 stats secret( 4/4 + 4/4)
-1 dmg to cloud prince(to battlecry) edit cause had forgot to specify
-1 card for rigged faire game

if these small nerf occur they be properly balance…but other than mage…there ticka…glare and loatheb…some aggro rogue//warrior nerf that are needed too

not stating every cards today…and hit legend already in wild :3

taxes pally to climb XD

Deck of Lunacy is on the table for potential nerfs. Iksar confirmed it on today’s Q&A on Twitter. They have a balance meeting early next week. They also keeping a close eye on Jandice.


Jandice is op, but deck of lunacy is on a whole new level. 3 mana cheat on each card is insane, but its almost always more with incaters flow and other mana cheating cards.


Pot of greed is what makes the deck, look at that one for a nerf I think

deck of lunacy is surely going to get nerfed, there’s no counter. I’m gonna hop on the bandwagon like I did earlier with tickatus lock, while it lasts, and maybe finally hit diamond

why do you wonna hit diamond with a op deck?

There are only 2 decks with an above 50% winrate, either use one of them or lose rank points. Hitting diamond with an op deck is better than not hitting it at all, and that deck requires no thought, it’s fast easy wins straight to legend.

I hit diamond 5 with hand buff hunter. Or how i like to call it HANDter.
And there were mages in the way.

both make a lot of sense. i hope they follow through.

where you get that data, hsreplay sais other

No minion deck is beatable in standard. My record for the deck is 38-28 wins but win rate against hunter is 20%.

They just keep up the damage and there is no or very little heal with the mage.

In wild, Mozaki mage and secrets mage have very little counter - particularly mozaki. just stall with freeze and ice block until the pieces are formed. Secrets mage is also incredibly fast.

The other wild deck extremely powerful is pally (the one Solem introduced as the first deck OP in wild).

Check again, winrate by class only has paladin and mage above 50%, you were probably looking at winrate by deck.

Much like old Rez Priest it’s not a matter of whether or not you can beat them but how unpleasant just playing against decks like Deck of Lunacy mage is. Having them be handed counter after counter by the RNG gods just feels like utter bs and even if you do beat them there is really no satisfaction in knowing that you won because luck just wasn’t on their side. Blizzard just handed no-minion mage too many good tools this time around(looking at you Refreshing Spring Water) and no matter what their win rate I think they need to do some rebalancing on the cards. I know mage players will whine and cry but come on, even you guys know some of those cards are just TOO good.

I see warlock, rogue and druid aswell

Idk if you’re trolling but it’s on the front page of Hsreplay .net

Only Paladin and Mage are above 50, noone else is close.