macOS, Can't open after patch 19.2.1

This is so ridicules! How could they still not fix it yet, so they don’t even bother to run the patch once before release it? Where are all the money we spent on this game going?


I was playing on a mac and i got the same issue, unistalled reinstalled twice nothing worked. I open my second mac and same problem again. FFS i had a fireplace gathering with friends…


I didn’t think it would be taking this long.

My farming time :disappointed_relieved:


Yeah sure, as it is their first mistake… Company which has that much money should hire big enough team to handle updates and improvements of the game mechanics, performance and user experience. I will not support this greedy company anymore with real money.


Same here I cannot start Hearthstone on Mac…

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Same here, cannot start it.

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this is taking forever


5 hours since last update in here…spliffs getting bigger
damn, jacob!


Is there any update? Can a blizzard employee respond and let us know what’s happening?


same problem, no response, re install, restart, nothing worked … help


Same here with clicking Play button and nothing happening… thought it was just me. Tried the HS launcher as well and same permission issue. macOS Big Sur 11.1 here

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This is taking way too long.

I would need some sort of compensation or I will be pissed.

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Same here. It is good to know, that is not my laptop’s problem. I wish they fix it soon.

We are waiting. Make it a priority.

exact same issue. I tried reinstalling Hearthstone but it just shows up as a folder :frowning:

TBH macs suck. I’m switching to windows even before this bug happened.

Okay, so it’s clear that this is not being fixed today. Good thing it’s the weekend.

Reply if anyone is down to switch to TFT. It’s not as buggy and opens for Windows and Mac.

Peace out blizzard twas fun.

Same here, unable to play on my mac.

But the true question is how this bug was not discovered before the release of the patch?
Is Hearthstone at least tested on Major OS (Windows, macOS, Android, iOS) before release? I’m not talking about a full range of tests, but some basic ones should be done, including:
Is the game starting? :rofl:

Good luck with the bug, and I’m really hoping this will be fixed soon, and that we are not going to wait next week to get a patch available.

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I have the same problem. Hopefully we see a patch soon…

T~T I thought this would be an hour to two hour, easy-fix issue. It’s okay tho. I’ve been playing Legends of Runeterra while I wait :wink: The fact that i downloaded the app on iPad and it can’t work there either was super disheartening.

Update: thanks sm for fixing it