Loving this new Lunar New Year seasonal event

It’s just another example of not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

Nothing stops them from doing BOTH.

Events for normal hearthstone, and events for bgs.

All’s that’s required is a template for XP progression (already done), graphics for he events (not that hard to do a single not even half sheet), and put rewards in.

Plnety of old stuff people would like a chance to earn, so it’s not like they even have to create new stuff each time.

And amazing, I just solved their problem. I’ll take the lead dev and CEO jobs… DOUBLE the pay.

Cue the Spiderman 3 “Saturday Night Fever” strut scene.


we have those

this is clearly a HS focused one with most rewards being for HS

and most of the event points on the HS questline

why do you think they put 4150 out of the 4500 points from quests on the hearthsotne ones ?


Then you shouldn’t have any problem with the bg points be moved to a different event entirely.

Since according to you

No need to clutter it with non hearthstone stuff. Just like I wouldn’t want a bg event cluttered with hearthstone stuff for those players.

cluttered ?

you probably dont knowt he meaning of the word because the BG questline is shorter and gives less points

I’ll go out on a limb and guess that’s low quality actiblizz botpost for know

and since it’s been clear for years they don’t give you access to dictionaries:


1 of 2


clut·​ter ˈ pronunciation: klə-tər

cluttered; cluttering; clutters

[intransitive verb]

chiefly dialectal : to run in disorder

[transitive verb]

: to fill or cover with scattered or disordered things that impede movement or reduce effectiveness

htt ps://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/clutter

*emphasis added

I’m sure you’ll find a way to be obtuse about the application here.