Loving this new Lunar New Year seasonal event

Especially that 3 days in a row now they’ve forced me to play battlegrounds if I want to get the rewards for the event. Especially considering that as the battleground seasons have went on I’ve liked the mode less and less since it seems once I hit 6000 I’m the only player in any lobby that I play that is 6k MMR. Every lobby after 6k is me against elite players, else why do I get stomped EVERY SINGLE GAME?

I mean not exactly because once in a hundred matches I do get 1st. It used to be that I could place 4th on average, but this season since I hit 6k I don’t think I’ve gotten past 6150.

And before someone makes a completely stupid comment like just learn to play the mode, I don’t care. I don’t like the mode anymore. There are no ways to get better other than just being naturally good at this mode. Because if there is a way I haven’t found it in all the guides, just learn to play better comments, Youtube tutorials that are out there.

So unless you’re going to take my hand and lead me through step by step how to actually get better just shut up and don’t reply to this thread. This is strictly for those of you like me.

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Have to pad the metrics for their p2w mode somehow!


funny seems you have differnet event than the rest of us

im not forced to play BG

all ill have to do is complete the HS quest line by completing each daily step for a total of 4150 event points

and for the 350 to complete the 4500 points needed for all the rewards
ill probably just get it from playing Hearthstone at around 20 points per game thats probably 20 games so close to 2 or 3 games per day

the questline has 7 steps and the event has 10 days left

your event is bugged if it doesn advance unless you play BG


are trolling again.

Any else knows perfectly well what the op is posting, yet you insist on trolling for the company.

Clearly, op would be more interested in events that didn’t offer bg quests. Instead of having the event rewards take longer otherwise.

we had bugs with the event after reading his post i made sure to check we are earning points while playing without completing any quests and i earned between 19 and 25 points per game

then i checked the total points from the hearthstone questline

150 + 300 +450+600+750+900+1000=4150

the total points needed to get all the rewards is 4500

and with 10 days left is hard to guess what is he talking about when he says hes forced to play BG

he doesnt have to
unless there is a bug i dont know about


Kinda like not wanting to wait till the last minute to complete it.

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dont know how many dailies you completed just take your current points minus all the points from the HS quests you did so far to know how much of the 350 you still missing

maybe you already played enough to earn those 350 points and all thats left now is complete the HS questline

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The solution is to give Battlegrounds its own holiday track so we can get it out of Hearthstone.


and you’re clearly being disingenuous (not for the first time), just to troll for the company. He’s clearly not talking about bugs, and anyone not trolling for the company could see that, plain as day.

That would require the devs to actually work. Like how they dumped the badlands signatures in this event rather than actually doing a badlands themed event. As well as not doing more lunar themed stuff for this one.

Just more reasons why microsoft needs to clean house, and of course to purge then smash their bot servers.

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we had a bug preventing us from from advancing just by playing HS without completing quests before i had to check

and i doubt they go around firing people for petty reasons like those

you just wanted to use those signatures for your fake outrage posts and they took that away from you

this event is more HS focused with some BG added in the mix for players who play both

total event points from BG questline = 1500

total event poins from HS questline =4150

points needed for all rewards 4500


is still missing op’s point. Deliberately.


nope it isnt
you dont need that many games to complete it
without touching BG
which he doenst want to play

do you think is wrong he doenst need to play BG or what are you ranting about ?

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One might ask you the same question with your needless ad spam for bgs.

Interesting how you get his point, but trolled him anyway.

Can’t wait for microsoft to purge then smash the bot servers at actiblizz.

They force you to play BG’s? Against your will? That doesn’t seem legal. I would sue.

I love the current event and am loving BG’s!


ad ? you are seeing ads iin this forum?

Just yours spamming for bgs. Which you will now deny that you are doing, of course.

you are seeing ads nobody else sees no need to deny something everyone can check wit their eyes

If you can’t see your own posts, submit a bug ticket.

it’s just to give everyone the chance to complete the reward track, for those who ONLY play Battlegrounds and vice versa, simple.