I’ve been playing since gadgetzan and payed money for my cards. I have lost my whole card collection playing nearly every day since gadgetzan! It took three days for a response only to be told how to link my Google account?! That’s what I did.three more days waiting now with NO RESPONSE? Before that my shop has been closed for a month on android after three patches with no help from the tickets. THEY ONLY PATCH PC AND MAC? Please help!

Are you sure you logged in to the correct account/region?

Also, what do Google accounts have to do with Hearthstone?

There was two ways to sign in to my account with the same email. Whether I would push the Google button or sign in to my Gmail with a password would either take me to a blank account or my account with my collection. Now that they are linked it only takes me to a starting account?

This question might anger you, but I’ll take the chance - are you sure you linked your account with the correct gmail?

I’ve had similar things happen to me in other apps, where I linked a wrong gmail, because I have 2 which I regularly use

No they are both the same email. The Google button would take me to a different account than filling in the password. I only have one Gmail

i have no advice but i hope you can solve your problem! sounds terrible

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