Lorekeeper Pokelt

It could just be my bad luck, but the last 3 times that Lorekeeper Pokelt has been played against me, the shuffle animation is on my deck and I ALWAYS draw the most expensive card in my deck next. In 2 out of the 3 games I drew a normal card after the most expensive (in the 3rd game, I lost before drawing the next card) but the fact that the animation plays over my deck has me concerned. Is this a bug that’s shuffling my most expensive card to the top?

Did some cards shuffled into your deck after you play Polkelt? Like bombs, soul fragments… etc. Because when a card is shuffled into a deck, then deck gets… well shuffled. So its no longer sorted.

As far as we know, the animation showing your deck being shuffled instead of your opponent is just a visual bug. The fact you drew the most expensive card of your deck is probably simply random luck.

In any case, this issue has been acknowledged by Blizzard, so presumably they are working on it:

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A bug that heppened to me is that after polkelt ordered my deck, opponent shuffled a bomb to my deck and suddenly my deck was falsely reordered from smallest to biggest cost not the other way around!

Look up the word “shuffle”.
No bug here.