Lets discuss the next miniset

Hi there guys :slight_smile:

So as we all know the miniset is going to come in the next few months.

Firstly when is it coming out are we 1 month or 2 months away from it.

Secondly what sort of cards would you like from it for me personaly i would like to see support to the classes that are not performing well like druid for example i think we might need to give it more ramp or highlander support possibly.

Since we have alot of tech cards i was wondering if we could get anti armor tech cards idk if that would be a good idea buts its something worth thinking about.

I really am a fan of the strong neutral legendary cards the dev team have been printing it means we can have cool new decks not only from our class cards but in conjunction with the neutrals as well :slight_smile:

We do get neutral legendaries from the miniset right not just class legendaries ?

What cards are you guys hoping to see in the next miniset.

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As always I would love to see a return of Baku and Genn effect (can they be packaged up in toy box like Raza/Mag?) along with cards that activate if you have all Odd or Even cards (so few of these types or cards but so interesting)

I see now what you mean you want a toy Gen and Baku and the effect is related to odd and even cost cards.

That could work but to make it different it should be linked to your hero power that was it is at least different.

Yes i understand now what you mean.

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So did your ban get overturned?

That is what I am saying, re-release them as “toys” or whatever from miniset they can be different cards, I just miss even and odd deck building it was a lot of fun and interesting and it’s missing from the game (besides Wild) because…idk, that’s just how it goes I guess

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No i got tired of fighting i maintain my innonce but i just wanto to move on now and focus on positive things.

Il still play the game though i mean its stil the best card game out there.

So that being set what do you want from the miniset :slight_smile:

some low coast card to druid " till 8-10 mana lego not viable when you die by turn 4-6 " maybe some “decent!!!” board clear too till team 5 just kill ramp and give nothing bk /swipe board clear 10 year ago not now when turn 4 -5 crazy big full board appear from almost all class " …and anything but do not aggro card so as you say some support to HL deck or card draw to aviana

Wel traditionaly if i am correct druid does not have aoes if it does its usualy very expensive what they could do is possibly is give you armor in the miniset that would help right but i am curious to see what they do :slight_smile:

can be but thats time druid have ramp to compensate team 5 say no more so origin style go to hell …like priest draw like mofo hunter heal self etc etc
and big mana board clear do not help stay alive
and every other class can buff minion or combo buff way better than druid so trade not work on board and cant clear anything then what is plan?
jade stuff crazy slow …before druid has more draw than anyone when i use yog got feel i will burn me deck to random spell now like zero card draw is have
spell dmg druid hell no thx old malygos time enough this style better stay to mage or shaman
lets see what minion pool will come mech? is never fit in druid same like elemental undead maybe beast? no thx …1-2 not enough build deck around

at end i am not sure few card will change anything on druid whit miniset …" and more armor? last armor card overnerfed to useless heal"

How are you able to still post on the forums if your account was banned? It is my understanding that when an account is banned, you also lose forum privilages.

As for the mini set, I would like to see something to be able to bring some life back into priest, something fun for mage and rogue would be nice.

What I don’t want to see is a resurgance of resurect preist, or anything that drags out a match like blood dk and control priest have done.

My battlenet account was banned this is seperate from my forums account i think its that simple now if you dont mind i mean no disrespect i dont want to talk about this anymore its in the past now thank you.

Anyway with regards to my post would res priest really be such a bad idea i mean alot of people love that archetype i think im ok with strategies exisiting in the game even if i dont like them as much i mean you like certain strategies but im sure some of the decks you like are disliked by somone else.

Also i am interested in playing some resseruct priest im finaly at the mindset that there are different strategies and decks and that there is nothing wrong with playing a deck or trying a deck the only deck i wont play as much is pure aggro i prefer aggresive midrange decks.

For me personaly i would prefer playing ressurect priest rather then tnt or odyn warrior but this my own personal preference.

Hate to be that “guy” but Resurrect priest and astral automaton as a whole is as “pure aggro” as it gets. But I’m a Lackey Warlock player, what do I know of aggro and tempo?