Less skilled players and the meta

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, seeing as I’m stuck at home and can’t go anywhere…

How do you think the meta will be effected when more and more of the casual base goes back to work? Not that they won’t play at all but I’m sure we will see far less of them overall.

I’m also assuming that most of the more casual players will tend to go for the top netdecks vs home brews. Which would mean that there may be a larger population of less skilled players playing stronger decks, making their averages lower than what they really are…

With the new matching system it would seem that people are being matched out of bracket so again there is a skew in the data. With the old system we knew that legend players were playing legend players and as such the data, in my opinion, seems more reliable.


My only opinion on this is that no matter what your MMR you should UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES get matched against a legend player when you are in gold 5 - diamond 3 (diamond 1 or 2 is fair enough I guess)

I have seen this multiple times and it is straight up unfair. The casuals I imagine are not aware this is happening because the rage would be strong if they were.


Exactly, and Blizzard knows that. This is why People don’t see other ranks, while climbing to legend.

I don’t mind MMR so much myself as it takes higher skilled players on newer accounts much less time to get matched against their skill set.

The issue I see is that people grab the best deck they can build and run with it. DH was an easy grab early xpac and it drove numbers all over the place. We have people who may have been, Hunters, Mages, Druids, etc… and funnelled them into a class. Nerfs happened and people ran to the newly formed meta as usual but the actual overall playtime of the average player must have had an impact on that as well. I am purely guessing here of course.

I’m just waxing whimsically here btw. Nothing major league. Not enough conversations that don’t involve complaining and such things.

Maybe a lot of Legend players get to Legend and stop playing on that ladder for the rest of the month. Then the matchmaking system would have to match a Legend that is playing to a person who is climbing and hoping to reach a higher rank. An extra incentive to finish the season at high Legend might make the Legends play more and actually play against each other. Either that or they could kill some of the rank floors so a person who plays poorly isn’t guaranteed Legend for the rest of the month.

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Maybe. It’s not like the meta is much fun to play out. So many streamers are in BG mode instead and I know I’m not working very hard on my climb…

Maybe the ranks will balance out after a season or two of people getting less stars each season.

the viewers tend to be drawn more towards battlegrounds streams than tryhard ladder climbing streams, so makes complete sense from a financial perspective to stream more battlegrounds

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i think this change is good! frankly i dont really see much difference in high legend vs rank 2-10. I would think its far easier for r9 to r2 players to win high legend players then r2-r5 bracket because higher legend players will prob experiment new decks and hence they may not be refined.

The “meta” is going to be more and more casual. That’s the point. To remove skill as much as possible so anyone can win.

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“Less skilled players”

So are we under the assumption that Legend players are pro,s ? For me I find that Legend players are just people who play a lot more HS than me.

I am currently climbing the ranks as Face Hunter(Yes yes Face hunter requires no skill etc but after realising that I can achieve the same result from a face hunter that I can get from a control deck, I do not have the time to play 30+ minute matches to find i get wrecked by a “created by” card or some other RNG effect that I could no way have seen.

So at least by playing Face Hunter I minimise the chances of losing to RNG effects and generally only lose if my opponent draws the nuts to start with.

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Exactly what’s the problem ? Even if you play against a legend , this game has no mechanics or curving or anything remotely close to thinking …You just build a deck , a meta deck , press the play button and hope that you have enough rng to get the cards needed before he get’s it…

If it’s no skill involved they might call them whatever they want it’s not gonna count.

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