Legendary Shop Idea

Hey Hearthstone!

Shop revamp is cool and much more convenient. However, I feel like the shop is still under utilized. My thought is to make a “Legend of the Week” for Standard and offer one legendary card for 1000 gold for purchase. This would change decks players encounter week to week as people build decks around their newly purchased legendary card. Buying 10 packs already “guarantees” a legendary card but I feel like knowing which legend you are going to get is worth not having the 49 other cards you are just going to turn into dust. This is a win-win as players get legendary cards they want for decks, the meta is influenced week to week to keep gameplay interesting, and Hearthstone gets people to spend a bunch of gold causing them to consider buying more gold through the shop’s microtransactions.

Only from the first 10 packs of any expansion. After that, the chances of getting a legendary from any pack is 5%, and you are not guaranteed to get another legendary until the 40th pack since the previous one.

Well damn, no wonder why I barely have any legendaries. It’s rough being a free to play player. Thanks for letting me know!