Legendaries need nerfed

To get the game back to a balanced and somewhat fun game we NEED to go back to the way it was at the beginning.

Legendaries were the big deal and they were coveted because you could only have 1 per deck per game.

In todays game you can see 3+ of multiple legendaries and this RUINS the game overall. Make legendaries mean something again and stop letting people play the same legendary 3+ times a game.

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To be honest, I haven’t noticed the decks running more legendaries on average than they used to.

Except perhaps those decks which run Renathal because they have 40 cards in their deck xD

It’s all exactly the same dust-wise

the only difference is budget decks were stronger back then compared to now because now the ladder gets solved faster and the meta gets established quickly which leaves too little space for improv and budget decks to shine

I am talking about the ability to rez or copy or any other tool to allow more than 1 legendary of the same card.

I just played a DK that played 3 of the legendary one that is like 6/3 and when it dies it steals on of your minions. That is stupid and needs addressed.

Aah, I understand now.

Yes, that can be annoying, but I think anyone with copying spells could have always done that in this game. Nothing new

I tend to agree with OP, I’d make Legendary carry the trait of once per game type effect. I’d probably make it something like a preamble text “Once per Game, you may play or summon this minion.” meaning one could still target it for copies but would be futile efforts since they cant be played even if they did. worst case scenario I could see making a duplicate and the opponent steals it or copies it from your hand to play against you. It would negate a lot (but not all) of the grief we see on the forums about thief priest decks stealing all the good cards over and over again and abused in a way the original owner of the cards that got copied couldnt. As well as the resurrection abuse of legendaries infinite times.