It is with tears in my eyes and a saddened heart I have to leave Hearthstone. A once great and glorious game has now become so unbalanced I can no longer tolerate it. Zerg broke the game IMO. Blizzard has given all of the Priest unique abilities to other classes while Priest remains the same and gains absolutely no abilities from other classes. I feel I am being forced to play a class not of my liking just to progress to legend every month. I will be checking in from time to time to see if Blizzard fixes this game but until then I am going to greener pastures.
Zergs weak af tho. Protoss and tarren are super op
the development staff pretends to be incompetent but obeys the directives of the company that imposes to unbalance today this class and tomorrow the other to push YOU poor unaware consumers to follow it in this mechanism
This isnt an airport, you dont need to announce your departure.
Zerg by itself is weak. Zerg supported by a few DK cards is near unbeatable, at least in my experience. You have to have not only a bad opening hand, but bad draws throughout the game in order to lose with that deck.
I’m doing the same. I have enjoyed playing this game for a while, but nowadays I find myself on a pay-per-play situation. Getting ripped out by the mini sets players.
These sets are really lazy and way overbalanced, so it’s really challenging to fight against them, unless you pay to get one set that can face them.
So sad to experience how things turned around.
Just don’t slam the door, cuz the tavern master doesn’t let patrons leave his inn easily and he hates when someone makes lots of noise
As they say ‘welcome to the inn, friend’
Can you elaborate on this? just curious
Same here…I can’t stand going against the same two or three broken decks 75% of the time I play.
No more balance, no more creativity, just broken decks on repeat.
same here. leaving after playing since beta. loved getting to legend every season but with this zerg bullhsit still around im done. i actually had fun with the infinite shaman but yea the only deck and they now killed it. it is with a very heavy heart but i can’t stand it anymore. goodbye hearthstone