Learning the game and net decking

Hey all.

So there is something that’s been on my mind for a while.
Is it a good idea to net deck if you are new, or struggle, at the game?

Is there a risk that you could stop yourself from becoming good at hearthstone, the game itself, if you net deck? Like you just beat people because your deck is just overall stronger and not because you yourself made better decisions, etc.

I hope I make sense with what I’m trying to say.

What do you guys recommend one do if they struggle getting into this?

I know this should be in the new player tavern, but I figured it might get seen by more people here and receive more responses. Sorry in advance for that

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People who actually believe this game requires actual learning LOL

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Lack of creativity in decks - #3 by KettleBunny-1370 don t think the net decking actually stops

I think that looking at known successful lists can help someone make better decks themselves, so I don’t see how netdecking could harm anyone’s gameplay development. It could easily reveal synergies or playstyles you hadn’t considered. I certainly made some very, very bad decks before I realized that netdecking was a thing.

You learn by playing regardless of what deck you are playing. But if you create your own deck, atleast you have some thought behind each card you put in the deck.

if you read the forums you will likely get an missinformed view of what netdecking is. a netdeck is no more than copying a deck online instead of trying to build it yourself from scratch. a big benefit with this, especially for newer players, is that the decks you can find of hsreplay etc usually are more refined and optimized than what you likely will come up with yourself and this is from he simple fact that a lot of people have tried to play the deck so the card choices have been thouroughly tested. the benefit for you then becomes that you can focus on learning the larger aspects of the game with technical play and strategy instead of focusing on why your random legendary isnt working well despite appearing to be super strong when you read its card text.


net decks are decks played and generaly made by high legend players

most of them have a 85-100% optimization which mean high quality list

making a brand new deck list yourself is fine but as a new player you are definetly gonna be lacking cards to optimize it perfectly and secondly you need a fairly high iq to build something great(even then you may have to play test it by putting it to the test in casual)…if the deck is having problem with ppl in casual it need reviewing…even the smartest of players aren’t perfect

assuming you build something yourself…your very likely to end up with something similar to what every deck top engineers have built

mana efficiency
steam(card refill engine if aggro)
cards synergy
board stickyness
finisher//turn table card(s)

and some other factor i may have not have state for cards choice

during the game a single decision you take will affect the outcome(no room for error to win)…a rare example of a critical decision…hexxing your own minion as shaman to not get lethaled by a charge combo and get a taunt to protect you(that imply you know such a combo is coming)…this said ppl dont do said charge combo nowaday…at least for time being…there is more reliable otk that bypass taunts…you may come accross burst turns though(15 dmg in 1 round) from certain aggro decks

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I suggest you watch Trump do his Free to Play series on youtube for the Barrens. It will give you an idea on good cards to invest in as well as how to make healthy deck choices on the fly.

it should also be mentioned that for high legend players to optimize a deck they need a minimum of 50 games just to evaluate your card choices and another 100-200 games to fully optimized it. as a new player with little experience you will have to spend way more games than so, which will cause a lot of frustration from the simple fact that you havent build up enough experience from the game yet to properly evaluate what improvements the deck need. add to that the requirement of understanding the meta game and how different decks and approaches interact to properly to be able to improve the deck and the hill becomes even steeper.

so to summarize: advicing a new player “to build your own decks so you dont get brainwashed” is just bad advice. as a new player you gain a lot more by initially skipping the complexity of deck building and instead focusing on learning to play the game.


Part of mastering the game is learning the current meta.

If you can, I think it’s smart to build every net deck and play them until you learn how they work. You learn their weaknesses and strengths which helps you beat them when you face them.

Pev what ya mean by “dont get brainwashed” ? is that something from the trump video he link ?

but if you meant my post i meant he’s free to try to build something by himself if he so desire…i did state that if he self build it may not go well by stating “high iq req + play testing”…by logic not very advisable but he’s may experiment if he want to(some ppl dislike to rely on others to progress)

Yes if you learn from playing the deck, no if you don’t.

Very much yes, that can be a risk.

I learnt a lot (and still do) by looking up decklists and substituting missing cards.

Because you need to think about what purpose each card is doing in your deck, are they card draw, key minions, spells for removal, etc.

Then you can also figure out which cards are key and really needed, while others can be substituted out. A lot of legendaries are overvalued as being “essential”.

I totally forgot to keep track of this post, whoops!

I do watch trump a lot already. And firebat. And a bunch of others.
I still feel like I’m not fully grasping things, even though I can keep track of decisions when I watch others play. Not sure what to do.

I appreciate all the responses and feedback, though!

I personally believe no one should net deck, ever. They should be creative and experiment. As to whether or not it could hinder your ability to learn I couldn’t say from experience. I suppose it’s a possibility.

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Well, if you are a F2P with a small collection, then DEFINATELY net deck, you don’t want to craft your own then realize that the deck is so weak, full of card you don’t really need and now you don’t have the resources (Dust/money) to refined it. believe me, cause i’ve been there.
Why wasted time and resources refined your own bad deck just so that deck turn out to be the exact deck you should just net from the beginning.
Economic efficiency >>> NET DECK
Fun >>> Create your own


While netdedecks are considered the best i often tweak them to suit my needs or build my own deck.
Some players are good deck builders ive always considered myself a deckbuilder.
Sometimes you put cards in your deck if your seeying alot of a certain card.
Netdeckign is fine but it comes with this problem the person building it built it with a plan in mind and you have to learn how the deck plays and its combos
I gues the same goes for a deck you build but you have a clearm plan in mind when you build it.

I would say netdeck if you want to be efficiant with your dust but dont be afraid to change that dont work for you.

The new quests pretty much netdeck themselves although there are twists sprinkled in here and there.

I think, everybody should play the way, they want to. People who love building their own deck, should really be proud of their skills and their creative thinking. People who find building decks by themselves unfun, have no skills in deckbuilding or don’t have the time to do so should not be punished.

Creating your own decks can be fun and really rewarding. Keep in mind that if you come up with a really good deck… it’s going to be copied and become a net deck.

It’s a cycle inherent to TGCs in general.

meanwhile i never net decked.

the only deck i copied from streamer is meme deck.
does that even count ?

p.s: going to play wild for this month quota.
[nevermind, to lazy to play]

is pirate druid taking over the entire wild ?
i hope everyone playing that deck so i can easy climb to legend for 2nd time.