Last game of Hearthstone for me

Hi, I have played this game for a long long time but today I quit. Something is off this meta and I can’t find fun anymore.
I was a control priest player and I believe I never see such a bad position for making this type of deck right now :

  • Funhouse Miror is almost egal to The Light it Burns! but cost 2 more.
  • Repackage is almost egal to Psychic scream but is worse (a card from 7 years ago)
  • Fly off the Shelves is too specific.
  • Serenity is almost egal to Holy nova but cost 1 more and we already have it.
  • Twilight Torrent and Deafen is almost egal to Holy smite and you know how bad this is and we already have it.
  • Void Shard is Invasive Shadeleaf but worse.
  • Shadow Word: Steal cost 1 more than Drown
  • Fight Over Me is so mch worse than Hysteria (and it came out years ago)

I’m fine with Harmonic Pop and Lightbomb.
Aman’Thul is a good card.
I like all the copy thing card, but omg there is too much and all the effect that stay to the end of game are so boring (Brann I target you).
I came against some no-minion mage that can have 4 minions turn 3/4 that are like 3/3 and I can’t believe there is absolutly no immediate answer in one Priest card against that.

So anyway, I will stop here, maybe I will check the next expension but I don’t expect much (I almost believe there is someone in Blizzard that don’t like priest but meh who am I to judge).


funhouse mirror can be used on a attack<health minion to give you a minion which could in theory be useful
repackage is worse than psychic scream, yeah probably basically
fly off the shelves is quite good in a dragon deck but yeah
serenity is not a damage spell it is a debuff/possible kill spell so it’s different
twilight torrent can be used to heal and deafen can silence so they have different uses than holy smite
void shard has lifesteal and can go face which shadeleaf doesn’t
shadow word: steal puts the minion in your hand while drown puts it at the bottom of your deck which is probably not as good
fight over me can give you one or two minions of your opponent to play and is more controlled than hysteria but is maybe worse sometimes

all of these have situations where they are better than the cards you compared them to, except maybe repackage
even repackage might be better than psychic scream if your opponent is maybe going to die to fatigue or something soon

also i recommend trying wild if you like the older spells better you can still play them! i do
otherwise if you’re quitting have a good life and have fun out there!

Yeah, I know what the cards do and some of them are better under some conditions but I was conparing in the most common case : for exemple if your opponent have his board full of 2/2 early, holy nova or serenity will not make a huge difference here (just one cost more than the other).

But now I think of it, there is no good removal spell that cost 2 right now which make my control priest, well, a can’t-control priest that can die early, which is stupid for a control deck.
(yeah shadow word pain is a thing but nowadays it’s trash).

Oh god no, I will not go play wild, if standard exist it’s for a reason.
But thanks and have a good life too!

How can you moan? When priest has some of the best Meta decks in the game? I’m a strict mage user of 5 years if you want to feel like their is a type Blizzard hate it’s try playing as mage & you’ll understand what pain actually feels like

Mmm. Had. Shadow priest became more and more of a joke with the times. Copy priests are only effective against actually competent decks, against a lackey deck they wish for death everytime they steal a 1/1 cable rat. Heal priests can draw cards but not much else. All that leaves, much like mage… is the archtype that didn’t belong to begin with. Dragon (or any tribe equivalent) spam. Something that class hasn’t wore right since the Galakrond days and yet for some reason they wear it perfectly now


Very well summarized!

100% agree. Restore priest to the position of supreme “value” lord.

Combine best in game removal with literal endless card generators. This is the only way the game should be played.

On Sunday I literally played endless value priest against a brann warrior, he put 18 TNTs in my deck I put 12 in his, I overdrew while playing cards the ENTIRE game he did not overdraw and lost all his stuff… sweet sweet vengeance, wait I was priest not DH… ah… By the LIGHT