Kibler's thoughts on problematic cards [Uldum]

Omnislash/Kibler just released a video called “The Warrior and Mage Problem w/ Brian Kibler” discussing what he deems to be the culprits behind the current wonky balance (mainly that control warrior is still annoying to everyone and that mage can do some pretty unreasonable stuff).

The cards he specifically mentioned were (drums but no drums because it was very obvious):

  • Dr. Boom Mad Genius
  • Conjurere’s Calling (although he kinda defends the idea of the card)
  • Luna’s Pocket Galaxy

What do you guys think?


Now Regis followed up with a alaysis of data regarding CC and Luna’s (spoilers: Luna’s actually is a problem)

Zalae’s suggestions for possible “meta fixes” (note that Kibler and Zalae are both part of Omnislash)


I already commented similarly on the video itself, but I think Dr. Boom is fine on its own. Nobody complained about it for nearly a year after its release. If there is a problem, it’s that Blizzard keeps releasing really pushed cards for mech control warrior, but honestly it’s fundamentally a fair deck. The main issue is that people don’t like to play against reactive control decks; they complained about Baku Warrior in the same way and, for comparison, people always complain about Draw/Go control/U/W Control in MTG. Plus, making any change to Dr. Boom is likely to completely ruin Warrior in Wild, given its already fairly weak state at the moment. I say that if we could live through all of the KFT Hero Cards for their lifetimes in standard without any nerfs, we can live with Dr. Boom for another 6-8 months.

As for the other cards, I don’t have any issues with Conjurer’s Calling per se, and generally agree with Kibler that the problem is the ways of cheating around mana costs that are available now. It’s made worse by inconsistency with Luna’s Pocket Galaxy. After Pocket Galaxy is played, Mountain Giant becomes playable for 0 mana, which is inconsistent with what Blizzard has said before. I thought they’d fixed that problem after the nightmare that was Naga Sea Witch Giants in Wild, where they said that mana cost reductions wouldn’t stack any more, but apparently this isn’t the case. After Pocket Galaxy is played, giants should ALWAYS cost 1 mana, not 0. But, those are just my thoughts.


that would add an incosistency to the game
…we dont need to be guessing how a card works like with magic carpet

unless they fixed it already that card is the most inconsistent one in the entire game


I think it would make things more consistent, as I stated in my comment. Giants used to interact similarly with Naga Sea Witch, which said cards in your hand cost 5, and the giants then applied their cost reduction effects making most of them cost 0. Blizzard finally changed this so that the mana reductions wouldn’t stack. That’s how I’m saying that Pocket Galaxy reductions should work.

no you are saying in this specific case the effect of mountain giant shoulnd decrease itself again like does with any other card interaction

that would be an inconsistency

I think him, an others should shut up about Warrior. I get it, its popular to hate Warrior, but the deck is good, not broken.

Can’t we just go a damn expansion without expecting past good cards to be nerfed? Uhh hello guys? Quit allowing Blizzard to get away with this crap. To myself atleast, it’s greatly annoying.


OK, Warrior main.

On the plus side he gets props for using old school Jaina portrait.


I don’t trust advice from anyone with full golden decks.

Poor financial decisions lead to poor life decisions.


very fun see all complain about lunar what about overpowered shaman legend spell? wl legendary minion when draw summon a copy ohh wait is deathrattle card? and etc etc etc…calm down thx!

Luna is the new keleseth imo. People say if there was more aggro that Luna’s pocket galaxy wouldn’t be played — I think that’s not true, because it is PRECISELY from the high roll that you can hailmarry the win against aggro. Just like playing an early keleseth made almost every matchup winnable, so does pocket galaxy.


Basically my thoughts on these cards:

  • I’d be fine with HoF Dr. Boom (+Hagatha and Zul’JIn for consistency) but I REALLY do not want to see it nerfed as that’ll probably kill any fringe use of Warrior in Wild outside of the continuing decline of Aggro Warrior in that format.

  • Mountain Giant, which is really what he believes should be changed (HoF’d) and not CC I am indifferent towards

  • Luna’s at 6 is fine with me. I’m not sure if it needs to be nerfed or not, tbh, but changing to 6 I think would be an alright change to the card.


I’m sad to see this because it’s such a hit to handlock :frowning:

It really would kill the cc mage deck though.


any deck with enough card generation or card draw can summon mountain giant on turn 3 or 4
ive been doing it with mage and rogue long before CC was released

i thought warlock was the only class able to do it until realized how easy it was with the others

HoF any card from the classic and basic set is a really dumb idea.

The only thing it does is make the game far more expensive by removing good/powerful cards from the forever sets and providing an avenue for activision to make replacements in the form of temporary epics and legendary cards to be released in an upcoming set.

Let’s HoF CC and increase pocket galaxy to 6 mana and that’s good enough for me as far as mage. They still have about 10 freezes per game to deal with anyways so it’s not getting weaker.

I doubt it as I have yet to see a single big spell/pharous/CC mage run a single copy of mountain giant in ranks 5-legend. May people are not running it.

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Dr. Boom was a fundamentally fair card when every class had hero cards and Elysiana wasn’t in the game. Now, it’s just fair in Wild. That’s why I’d rather see it rotated than nerfed. I’m a control player. I don’t like Dr. Boom (but thought it was completely fine and fun to play when the other hero cards were around and Elysiana wasn’t a thing). Fibonacci is the Warrior God, and he wants the card gone. It’s fun to say people only want to see something nerfed or rotated because they don’t like X, but it’s just not always true.

The difference between a Mountain Giant costing 1 mana or 0 mana is usually irrelevant. I don’t know if Conjurer’s will still be a problem after Pocket Galaxy is changed, but Pocket Galaxy definitely needs to be nerfed or reworked.


I’ve seen CC-Mage running it in r5/r4 but, by far, Big Spell Mage is more popular and while that deck could, in theory, run the card it doesn’t need nor really want to.

Only reason why I am indifferent towards Mountain Giant is that it feels like it pops-up every other meta as a card causing large early spike issues. I’d prefe rnto to lose Classic cards but at least with this one I feel like it is a root issue card and not a card being elevated by specific expansion cards (cough Wild Growth cough)


This kind of blatantly disingenuous “logic” is what makes discussions like this so difficult to have on these forums.

None of what you said is true.


I remember kibbler himself saying proudly on stream that blizzard did ask him what LPG should cost to be playable and he said 5 mana lol.

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Boom is from a time with stuff that most not wanna see again and probably a little more on the powerfull side of the coin than most want.

With that said pocket galaxy should not even be designed in first place.

The card is just to much extreme but it not has some sort of insane and unsolvable problem.

Hard capping costs creates hilarious situations were a card could cost 999 Mana and you still play it by 1 Mana.

That creates a situation were the card can only be overpowered or unplayable.

With that I think it needs to be changed to a normal type of cost reduction (probably around 5 Mana discount).
That way the card can still exist at a playable cost.

And seriously. CC is powerfull but it adds far more to the game than it irritates people.

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Someone get a “Thanks Kibler” meme going lol