Just don't nerf secret passage

That’s it, all classes have tons of draws in wild expect … The one that should be great in drawing.

It’s not broken it’s just strong


Are you kidding?

Secret Passage into Cutting Class into dumping pirates and weapons.

Not only are reloading your hand of cards, you’re also thinning the deck. The deck has the best tempo and now the best draw in the game. And that’s saying something when compared to Druid.

This card is completely idiotic.


Odd rogue says hi :grinning::grinning:

Yeah, and druid did this since ever…
All the other agro decks did much worse for years…
Rogue was dead in wild without an original identify.
It’s strong, yes, but predictable.
Let rogue be strong for once.

Rogue shall draw! Rogue is miracle identify.
What nerf you expect ? Replace 4 ? Still strong
Replace 3 ? No value, better draw instead.
Higher cost ? Stop, let the class have his identity

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Cost 3 mana . Since it u dont discard your hand

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Druid doing that with 7 or 10 mana is a whole lot different than Rogue doing it for 1.

A proper nerf to this card would be to shuffle in 3 cards. 5 is retarded.

Secret Passage shouldn’t be able to keep generated cards. I don’t know who though 1 mana draw 5 was okay.

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tbh I think the card is fine. Had a few interesting match against rogue, it was balanced, not overwhelming nor underwhelming.


I think an interesting nerf would be to have it draw as many cards as you had including Secret Passage (so, if your hand was 3 including Secret Passage, it gives you 3), and completely return your previous hand (including shuffling generated cards back into the deck) + 1 extra draw to pay itself back to compensate for the nerf.

It would still be a usable card: the extra draw means it pays itself back, and all the cards you use from the new hand are still completely free card advantage-wise. And it would open the door to a new strategy of purposely using it with a BIG hand for additional options.

it would kill the card imo. Rogue has no use for drawing 5 card in a midrange deck, he ll generate plenty. The most fitting use for this card is in an aggro deck, and aggro spend his card very quickly. And its not like aggro rogue is broken, many deck beat it.


And I say welcome back

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You’re underestimating things. With my proposed nerf, the worst case scenario is the only card in your hand being Secret Passage. You’d get 1 card out of it (ike I said, “including Secret Passage”), and next turn you get another card out of it. “Draw 2” provided you used that first card, that’s still Arcane Intellect! Sure, worse since you only get to use 1 of the 2 cards immediately, but Secret Passage is 2 mana cheaper, and with each additional card in your hand it powers up.

Secret Passage isn’t that bad at all, really only works for aggro and can be a dead card in hand until you have the extra mana to play with.
Nerf uneeded.
Now Glide on the other hand… lol :wink: just kiddin’


It’s really not draw 5 for 1 mana because you dont get to keep them and you lose your hand so you can’t combo with anything you’re holding.
Unplayable until at least turn 4 as its unlikely you are going to hit cards you canplay.