Joymancer Jepetto quest didn’t complete

When they fix something like this, they don’t retroactively reward completion of the quest, it just means that it’s possible to complete now when it wasn’t possible before

Yeah they know how to do it. They do it with achievements all the time. They just simply choose not to. Well I simply choose not to spend a majority of my money with them because of things like that.

Ever wonder how they add an achievement of say Kill/Play/Draw XXX card/cards/type, and instantly are awarded it on entry even though you haven’t met the full requirements from start to finish in the last 30 days… They know I’ve killed him, and if they created an achievement to kill him, I’d be awarded the achievement instantly.

EDIT OH here’s a novel idea, create said achievement, then advance the event for all those that have the achievement… Personally I didn’t want to suggest this as I’m not in favor of doing their jobs for them for free, but making the point was worth it. Wonder if I can copyright that solution?

Heck, do a search in the OW forums for “more avoid slots”. Last time I checked, the result count was more than the forum was willing to show, and simply reported something like more than 4000 results, try refining your search. I’m confident they date back YEARS. But I must be the only consumer asking for it.

And what have they done… their own thing. They cite the negative impacts which may be true and valid however. Don’t give me excuses or reasons why you can’t. Make it work. Use your brain and come up with creative solutions to make it work while alleviating a majority of the negative consequences. Think outside the box. Don’t come to me with reasons why you can’t and then ask me for more money!

We all have our reasons for choosing whether or not to support a company. I’m scaling back myself, didn’t do any preorder this expansion, but I did still buy the tavern pass. Mostly unhappy with the cancellation of several modes and the increasing monetization practices myself, but I do enjoy the game enough to still spend some money.

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Don’t get me wrong, I too do enjoy their games. But with their failure to listen to their consumers repeatedly for years, I’m not willing to dump more money than what is required to get the base. Unless of course their is some add-on or something that I really want.

But even this has been said time and time again to them. Do they change, rework their business model, direction? No. I blame EA personally. Just like they killed SC5, I surmise that Blizz and their products will eventually go out to pasture in much the same way due to doing their own thing coupled with poor judgement.

it was only possible if you could find a jepetto again, or buy cards until you get one, or grind out LOTS of random games hoping for a paparazzi proc, or spend lots of dust to make what doesn’t seem like a very good card.

they have logs of achievements, quests etc and could do it.

or make another quest? how hard can that be?

This is exactly my issue with their Lead developers decision making.

Again as per above. And like how much do they pay this guy to cause this kind of trash?

11 days since event started
1 Jepetto seen - Across roughly 58 games
1 Jepetto klilled
0 credit given
0 fixes or changes to offset the disparity

Even the new tavern game, could they have not included a Jepetto card so that people could complete the first part of the event given that they screwed it up at launch? Apparently not. Why? Only so many answers to that question, and they all boil down imo. to either stupidity or greed.

edit: Think I’m going to resolve to not spend any money on next expansion/event no matter how wonderful or bug free it is given that they have been given ample time and suggestions on how to come up with an adequate solution to their scew up and have chosen not to act.

I’ll review the value of spending money with Blizzard after the second expansion/event launches and their lead developers performance with it after this one. They haven’t earned my trust, money, or benefit of the doubt after this one.

As per: creative director Alex [Afrasiabi]

“Do we listen to our players and our fans? Absolutely. But also we try not to let that distract us from our end goal of the expansion or the new patch.”

In other words, they listen, dismiss it, and do their own thing.

Yet again after months of reported issues, problems, bugs, no response from the developers or lead developer who listen to players.

and to add insult to injury, the whole quest chain behind that ill-advised jeppeto chain starter has disappeared now that the jeppeto quest timer is done.

no luck getting paparazzi to proc of course, what a clunky and clumsy way to have to try to do a quest, THAT I ACTUALLY DID COMPLETE BY KILLING JEPETTO THE 2ND-3RD DAY THE QUEST WAS OUT!

was this really a blatant and lame attempt to get people to buy cards hoping for jeppeto?

i started playing a month ago and am a noob, but jepetto looks like a bad card to waste dust on.

14 days since event started
1 Jepetto seen - Across roughly 58 games
1 Jepetto klilled
0 credit given
0 fixes or changes to offset the disparity

Then you must have deytroyed him while the bug hasn’t been fixed.

It works now.

Why don’t you just contact one of your friends and start a match where your friend plays Jepetto and you can destroy him?

Alot of people have done that because they don’t have the card.

A) because that is not part of the quest requirements. And personally, I feel that exploiting a feature of the game simply to complete a quest easily (mainly because dev’s screwed it up) is shallow. It’s not how the quest was meant to be achieved.

B) I only solo play mainly because I work nights 1:20am - 11:50am +1hr travel each way. and am in bed for 8 hrs, 2-3 hrs after I get home, 4x wk (sometimes 5 or even 6). When I am off, I have to keep the sleep schedule and hence most if not all of my friends, are asleep, or don’t play Bliz stuff anymore because of the “Dev’s work ethics” (as per my friends).

You sound very much like a Bliz employee, or… (look up the linguistic meaning of the following word as it is not intended as offense but rather the best descriptive word in the dictionary to convey my opinion) ignorant sympathizer.

Like really. If all the Dev’s paychecks bounced a week ago, how many emails, phone calls, texts, would be flying all over the place to try and get resolution. They’d make road-runner look like a snail with all their activity. And yet screwing up something in their job impacting how many players… Mmmm Easter is here, I’ve earned time off, what’s that a problem… Oh well, they’ll keep spending their allowance on card packs.

Have they ever done this?

Yes, happens all the time. I believe in the last two-three months, but I’m not in the habit of logging such things.

Look at your achievements… Kill XX this, XX that. Usually by card type, mechs, undead etc. or cast XX spells. draw XX cards, etc etc.

When they add one, if you’ve already killed 1000, it awards it to you.

Not on my account. When they’ve added new achievements they always start at 0 unless it’s a collection achievement

I’ve had it happen at least 2x recently, more in the past. As I said I’m not in the habit of logging it, but I feel that one of the recent ones had to do with quickdraw or something with last expansion. But I really have no idea. which one it was.

At the end of the day, regardless of if has happen outside collections or not, it is possible, been done with collections as you mention, and there is no reason why they can not apply similar coding to award it other than (you fill in the blank yourself) _______

Their ability to track collections is also poor. The only way the collection achievement is obtained is if you have the cards in your collection when the achievement comes out or after. You do not get credit for owning all of the cards at some point in the past. So I’m not seeing how they would be able to retroactively award a gameplay achievement

Like I said before:

You sound very much like a Bliz employee, or… (look up the linguistic meaning of the following word as it is not intended as offense but rather the best descriptive word in the dictionary to convey my opinion) ignorant sympathizer.

Are you trying to assert that you do not believe it is within their dev’s ability of coding to code such a fix? It is beyond their skill level?

Lol was that a response to what I wrote? I said blizzard is bad at tracking achievements and you call me an employee?

Yes. Or not worth their time. I don’t know why they won’t do it tbh but I would not expect it

It was from above, but by the tone and demeanor of your words, it reads that way and was worth repeating.

i.e. worth their time = not worth paying their hourly wages to work on an adequate fix as they will keep seeing the revenue regardless of if they fix it or not. Sadly as I said a while ago, I spent $300 last month with another company. I spent $0 on Blizzard mainly because of this exact corporate attitude. I know I’m not the only one. But is it 10 others? 100? 1000? They seem to believe it’s just me.

I don’t expect anything other than deceitful, misrepresented, or hopeful misinterpretation of players from Blizzard if it garners them another $. The Dev’s are just at the excrement end of the stick, but I do cite them for not feeling they really have incentive or moral fortitude to stand up for players that get shafted. As long as they keep getting their pay check, what incentive do they have to put their foot down? None.