I was wondering if wild worth playing at the moment before I drop like $100 on old adventures.

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I don’t know…but what I know about wild is that if you don’t have some decent collection from earlier expansions you’ll probably gonna end up crying in a dark corner of your room after like,two turns :sweat_smile:

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Without a doubt. Wild is more expensive to get into, but far cheaper to keep up - you’re not dusting half your cards each year, for a start. It also has far more options available, with around three to four times as many cards. Personally, I’d suggest you aim for a Druid or Warlock collection. Highlander Priest and Quest Mage may be popular right now, but those are really the only archetypes available to those classes. With Warlock, you can go for the ever-powerful Cube, Malygos, evenlock, oddlock, renolock, or even discardlock. With Druid, you can do pretty much every combo you can think of, from Aviana+Kun to Jades to Hadronox to Malygos to Spiteful Druid to infinite armor Druid, the options are endless!

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Money, not a problem it just makes sure it worth drop each month it to before I start playing.

Wild, at least through early Gold ranks, is like casual compared to Standard. It seems like you’re more likely to see a variety of decks in Wild than Standard these days. Also, if you want to start an old C’thun deck, you get some nice bonuses after either buying or opening your first Whispers of the Old Gods pack. I have a Warlock deck that sometimes brings out Galakrond and C’thun in the same game. That one got me to Gold 10 the last two months.

It depends on what rank you expect to hit and what experience you expect to get out of it. On the lower end, you see things like mill rogue, in the middle you’ll see nothing but aggro and then on the high end, try find something that is not control/sort of midrange or versatile all rounder deck.

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The meta shifts a lot slower.

Many of the stronger decks are decks from years ago like Raza Priest, Odd Paladin, Secret Mage, etc.

Just some cards change every few expansions and they get refreshed or they slowly wither over the course of many expansions.

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I’m moving from std, because I got Enough now to play, the amount of required to maintain is very low. Will take me another month or two, and for now I parallel them.
Most were from dust of rotations and nerfs, and I bought LoE adventure because it gives you Finley, Brann, and Reno and it’s cheapest ($20).
Since I played mage, I have and got enough for three mage decks, and I’m no more than ~4k dust away from adding any damned deck I want, except some heavy.
Don’t throw money at adventures just for the cards, the other 2, in dust worth, are tops 6k and you have Such a wide variety in wild to play and enjoy it’s ridiculous.
If you join, welcome aboard, wish I knew this a long time ago.

There’s also secret mage and let’s don’t forget about resurrect priest, which has been pushed forward with the release of MatDF.

I think Wild is more varied and I think it is easier to get to Diamond ranks in Wild. I’m happy I started playing it, Standard is boring :slight_smile:

I find that it’s much easier to ladder in wild than standard. So every month I lvl up to d5 (Good rewards start of a new month) and the rest of my time I either meme around on that floor or I’ll meme in standard at low lvls.

For a relative cheap start in wild I recommend secret mage. I personally shot through the wild ranks with Memnarch’s Galakrond/bomb warrior. Pretty cheap and you get to make reno priest players weep :slight_smile: