Is there a way?

To not face the same 50 people every night? Of which only 10-20 are actual people? I have so many names come up that I’ve seen many times before. Whether it is ranked, or casual mode even. Are there really so few people playing Hearthstone anymore that I literally queue into the same person multiple times within an hour of playing, day after day, same thing? How long can this go on? How long can this go on? How is it even possible? Wow…

What rank and mode is that? Try something popular and it’s never the same, e.g. diamond 5 to 1 is totally congested because everyone with their mom try to go standard legend (and then quit most of them).

Wild rank mode and casual mode, I see many of the same names day in and day out, I don’t think there is a solution, it’s probably just dead game and not much can be done about it and I guess I’ll do more Arena or something, maybe there are more unique and real people in that mode

Casual is barely anyone since it gives bad XP (i.e. why not play a ranked mode you don’t care to rank instead [so that you get more XP too]?).

Wild is few people because it’s the “I cling to old expansions” mode; most players want new stuff; also the most competitive players hate it because the Devs obviously care more about Standard to be balanced (not that it is balanced but Wild is worse).

I personally play Wild now only for experimentation [and XP]; I don’t want to go Legend on Stardard [or Wild] for now for various reasons; so I stopped at high Diamond there and went to Wild (the skill level is probably lower too which is something fun I guess for Wild).

I do play ranked but I literally face same people day in day out same names they never rank up. I don’t either because I concede when I see them because I want to face someone new, you know, like the game is supposed to be? If it was populated? It used to be an absolute rarity to ever face the same opponent twice. Now it’s an absolute rarity not to. If not 3 times. Or 4 times. So yea, then I go to casual thinking, surely there are some different people here? But nope, there isn’t. So all that is left is Arena, I guess, because I don’t do battleground. Maybe I will try Standard again, idk

Happypants, Mightyowl, all those types of accounts are bot accounts. Blizzard doesn’t seem to want to get rid of them. And chances are you may think they are the same person but they are usually different unless their #12345 is the same.

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Right…I’ve encountered those before but there are a specific dozen or so names I continue to see. SandroD demon hunter. CNcutyC something shaman. DJWCB666 mage. Several Warriors and Druids. There are many more but I forget their names until I see and recognize them again (probably when I play tonight I can update with more names)

I just want to play against real people who aren’t playing something they copied online…is it even possible? I am one person who I would like to face…are there others like me or am I alone?

Well than that’s different. There will always be meta decks that people will play, and the reason for that is simple, they get results when someone wants to climb. Homebrew decks can be fun but they are mostly meme decks. I’m not saying that you can’t reach legend with a meme deck, because I have, however, people largely use meta decks cuz well they are the best performing deck at the particular time.

I net deck all the time, then I tweak the deck based on my playstyle.

That’s fine…I have no problem with people playing those decks. They should be ranking up, no? But they aren’t. I keep facing them. And they bore me. Mostly I just want to face unique/individual people. I don’t care if they are meta so long as I haven’t seen their name several times a week before. Is that so much to ask? It use to be near impossible to face the same person twice. Now it is a daily occurence. And of course it’s worse because a lot of those “people” aren’t even that. It’s just sad? Maybe it’s just me?

You’re talking about the constant DK unholly decks right? I took a break from HS for a bit and when I came back at the start of the mini expansion that’s all I was facing and it really is a snooze fest.

No. Not at all. Haven’t seen on of those in forever. I’m talking aboht people at rank floors who never rank up. Despite me always conceding to them, they pop back up a few games later like they never rank up at all. Same names, every night. Like I get that I am one of those names too, but I’m an actual person who actually wants to play against other actual people. I think maybe it’s just me needing to understand and accept the depths of hearthstone’s demise.

I totaly get you. It’s not like I pay much attention to my opponents but I see some names frequently.

The thing is (probably) I am mostly at the same avg mmr. I dont play enough to climb and I am to good to fall.
Those people are, most likely, just like me.

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50 ist so much :see_no_evil:
Play Wild on EU at night and face the Same 5 Dudes over and over again.

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Because Wild objectively sucks. The balance is abysmal so you get wiped by decks that should not even exist.

It’s not even “fun” to watch it because it has ludicrous stuff like a mage using Time Warp X 10 times so you sit there waiting for FOUR MINUTES (literally) watching them “win” by just repeating the same spells over and over and over and over again with “lol just repeat all the rounds again” spell lol…

the bot’s I see are always 2 word names, typically with the first word being a color and the second word being a creature type (examples: onyxgrell, blueotter ect…). I love to play these because well, i know it’s pretty much a win, however the DK’s require you having a deck for kills at almost every turn. Other classes I can destoy the bots easily with my control decks. I typically only play DK and Priest. Actually i just made it to Diamond this morning for the first time ever. i know thats silly to brag about but i play my own decks and cards that appeal to me, not cookie cutter decks so I’m thrilled :slight_smile: good luck!

i dont know

i never played 50 games in a night

Maybe because you don’t know early on whether the match is worth continuing or not? Or maybe you don’t play much hearthstone, idk

Yup, those are are the ones.

Oh congrats on making Diamond for the first time. :slight_smile:

I’ll be looking forward to your hitting Legend post. It’s pretty awesome when you hit it the first time cuz you get a random legendary :slight_smile:

it’s pretty awesome when you can do it with a home brewdeck.

When I hit legend the first time, it was with Raza Priest, but it was with a version I put together. I’ll never forget. and it’s a nice feeling when it’s not 100% cookie cutter. :slight_smile: But don’t get me wrong, a fun meta cookie cutter deck is also fun as well. :slight_smile: