Is Shaman the next nerf

it just seems like one of most strongest classes in meta with amount of board control and removable. When you can double Mind Control Tech and 6 health gain Lifedrinker in one turn it crazy. Then add Shudderwock turn op as can be.

To be honest, I think the Shudderwock hall of fame like Genn / Baku . It would not kill the deck, but stop power play it has. The Shudderwock has been problematic for shaman a long time.

Well they valued double battlecry ability at around 4 with the rogue spirit of the shark card so having it at 2 and unremovable is somewhat surprising.


Its not that far off from shark. Shark is 4 mana but you can use it for 2 turns usually and then opponent has to kill it. Double battlecry for a turn itself is barely worth 2 mana,like would a 2 mana spell “double your battlecrys this turn” see play outside combos maybe?
Its a good reward and it works because of all the lackeys having good battlecrys so they have lots of cards to double up battlecry.

Shudderwock (or Battlecry Shaman, for that matter) isn’t remotely as powerful or meta-defining as Genn and Baku were. While the deck is certainly popular, that’s more because it’s a combination of flexible, appealing, and competitive. It has clear-cut weaknesses and isn’t even Tier 1. I don’t see why this deck needs to be nerfed at the present time.


If anything I think they’d attack MCT but, tbh, I doubt you’ll see any changes to Quest Shaman. It’ll also lose its top-end at rotation (Shudderwock) and it’d be foolish to nerf the deck in power when it won’t have a top end at rotation that works as well.


Forgetting that Shaman HP doesn’t cost a card. A 2 mana double your Battlecries draw a card would see play.

Yes. They need to cover up Shudderwock. It’s one if not the most, indecent card in the game. Give him some pants!


If they can double MC Tech, the problem is you not them. Maybe don’t flood the board?

Because you can easily beat a quest shaman when you lock out over half your minion zones for the entire game …

So never use Paladin’s Hero power again, got it

You do not need to fill board battlecry still going steal two cards if you even have 4 or 5.

Honestly, I think that some sort of anti-battlecry tech card — perhaps a Mindbreaker-style minion with an aura that disables Battlecries and/or a Loatheb-style battlecry minion that makes enemy Battlecry minions cost (5) more next turn — would be a better answer than a direct nerf to Shaman.

We’ve seen cards with Silence along with specific disruptors for spells, weapons, Taunts, Secrets, etc., but not really any sort of direct Battlecry counter yet.

Once again, you played badly, not them. You keep playing minions when you know it’s a thing. Stop trying to mongo.

There was one previously, it just rotated. They can easily make Mindbreaker and Weblord into classic.

Okay, I missed Weblord.

It would be good to see something like that or an anti-battlecry version of Loatheb again at some point.

Given the sheer number of battlecry cards available, it seems like this should be at least as frequent an option as anti-Secret or anti-weapon tech cards.

It rotation has ever been in developer’s mind then Mage and Warrior wouldn’t be nerfed like it did.

Rotation is 4 months away, and we need a balance update now.

it does not rotate out till April what 6 months, so it half year before it leaves standard.

God I hope so but they won’t bc it’s a card from the newest set and papa kotick really wants to fire 800 more employees on the next shareholder meeting so they need the money.

If say win this match better get self check out. i mean shaman counter everything I did.

… And? your opponent was a combination of lucky and playing a deck that packed enough value to drown you out. Doesn’t mean Shaman needs to be nerfed or that the class is busted.

Zephrys Shaman has a whopping 38% winrate according to HSReplay, for the record. I don’t see why it needs to be nerfed :confused:

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