Is shadowverse any good?

I was looking at card games and came across Shadowverse. Of all the games I have perused it seems the most similar to HS in terms of playstyle
and i was wondering if anyone here has played it and what they think about it?

All I know about it is from when Kripp streamed it a while back, but it seems more degenerate (in the mathematical sense).

Aggro decks are more aggressive, combo decks pop off easier and with greater effect.

Wouldn’t be even my top three to pick, unless you want anime waifu softcore graphics.

Honestly the first question is more 'can you go pass the artstyle ? ’
I couldn’t

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Played it back in open beta and it was okayish, but not my cup of tea.

Played it again a couple years ago and there was so much loli crap in it that I uninstalled after like two days. It’s also always been strange to me that they directly reused art assets from Rage of Bahamut.


It has mangagirls and interesting play mechanics, but i just didn’t have time for another card game

It’s good if you not mind a ton a lolies and suggestive arts.

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It’s almost same game, except like you said with different theme. it is with anime/Japanese flavour instead of Warcraft.

To me from art and animation perspective I would say Hearthstone is just superior, but yes, Shadowverse is gameplaywise closer alternative to HS

Not sure if have tried GWENT or LOR? I would give those a try, because those 2 games are more liked and enjoyed by community than Shadowverse…

kk point taken. I’ll keep looking. If i wanted adult content I wouldn’t get it from a game.

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To be fair it really isn’t extreme content and i really would not mind it if I decided to play shadow verse.
But I can see how it can be annoying to have a game being that apelative with artwork for some people.

is just anime girls
ihavent played it in a looog time i have no idea hows the meta right now

If it’s any useful, I once went on a testing spree with several other card games or similar - Eternal, Shadowverse, Elder Scrolls, Faeria, Gwent, Duelyst…

About Shadowverse, it felt just too similar to “HS with anime style”. Didn’t like the art though some in game animations were cool, the UI felt horrible too (and somehow it made me appreciate the HS UI efficiency more).
Kinda felt the same way about Elder Scrolls Legend, but I admit I didn’t give that game much tries. It felt badly optimized, making my very reasonably powered laptop heat up like crazy with no much happening.

Eternal got boring really quickly, with games reaching stalemates where nothing really happens for several turns as you happily attack/block/pass turns until one player finally hits its combo.

Honestly, the 2 games that really stood out for me were:

  • Faeria - I thought the art was gorgeous, the strategy was interesting, but the game really lacked a good player base and I think it’s more or less dead now, I hold it as the Bloodline Champions of card games
  • Gwent, which was awesome in every way but I stopped when they decided to wipe everything and redo the game. Didn’t get a chance to play it since then, and it doesn’t help that it doesn’t run on Mac OS which is what my current computer uses - I’m not into virtualizing Windows or doing a Bootcamp setup just for that one game. Totally will try again if they ever make that port.
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