Is it about time something is done about druid?

I mean, Dungar druid is the kind of deck that makes me think Hearthstone is a pay to win game, this deck is very expensive and very strong, coincidence? Tired of losing to this unbeatable deck that has been in the meta for way too long now, can’t they just nerf it or do they want more players to purchase packs and disenchant cards to make a Dungar druid deck? I guess i have to wait for rotation…

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It annoys me that they nerfed Yogg, and then that deck can use it. I ain’t recrafting that.

Rotation is like in 40 days, and I optimize F2P/dust.

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I have a Dungar-Druid deck and can attest: It’s quite nutty. I’m not even shure how to nerf it. It’s not like any individual card is overpowered. The abundance of good ramp and good payoffs is the problem. Tho maybe Unkilliax should be looked into.

Unbeatable? You’re kidding right? The deck has to rely on gaining mana asap or it gets crushed, if they don’t get those cards early, they’re screwed.

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