Is Hearthstone really rigged?

You havent been a part of the industry, you are a troll who resorts to violating the CoC to argue your point. That is fact. You have admitted to it.

Go back into your cave, troll. You are way out of your league.

Show evidence of rigging. The existence of your precious patent is not evidence. Evidence would be showing, beyond reasonable doubt, that said patent is actually being used.

Surely with your “experience” you should be able to provide me with a method that I can test to get the results that you believe constitute rigging, right?!?

For you, not beeing the brightest light in the chandelier, as you demonstrated yourself, you quiete rude and arrogant.

*** No, just through letter of the rules from our EULA you can have up to three Accounts in your name.11.02.2021***

Man you really should do some homework before stating things you have no clue about at all.

You just discredit yourself all the time.

Nah, you discredited yourself the very second you admitted to using alt accounts to support yourself.

You are a pathetic troll.

Show me a theory I can test to “prove” rigging. You wont, because it only exists in your head!

IMHO i highly doubt that there are only 3 :rofl:
I just figured out how to ignore, let alone have an alt.

Like i said before"it takes a thief to acknolodge some else as such".

You really should learn, when its over, its over.

Show me a method to test that provides evidence of rigging.

Not a hard request for someone with your “background”

Well i posted with two different accounts here… that makes me have one more account you dont know about…maybe on one i like to debate with myself :slight_smile:

What class an mode you been playing with?

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Yeah, Tie was you from the start, it wasnt even remotely discreet.

Show me a method that I can test that provides evidence of rigging.

Do you have a method I can test?

If you do then by all means provide it for scrutiny.

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I smell a trap, like i said you seem not to be the brightest at all.

You dont seem to bright yourself.
Advertising the fact you use alt accounts to circumvent your suspensions is not a gret idea.

That aside, still waiting for you to provide me with a theory that provides evidence of riggery that I can test for myself.

Alrighty! Lemme grab my shiniest hat in the box for this one…

1.) You must be playing in the bracket of MMR.
2.) You must be playing a single class an deck for around 8 matches. Do not swap class or the deck you are queueing up with.
3.) Now leave the queue screen an go build a deck from a new class an set of cards. (You must select a new class an build a deck. It can’t be something you have already made).
4.) Take this deck straight into ranked mode. You will 100% for the 1st game not see the same classes or decks you was playing against as your old deck.

Boom, you too can abuse this tactic an enjoy the perks of it yourself with the rigged nature of the game chief. Perform this, an lemme know what you see lol.


Dude, 8 games? Thats it?!?

Sure, I will play your game, and all it takes is 1 instance of this:

not happening to prove you wrong.

Even Shaman, Mode Wild

Lol! Hey man everyone wants proof of rigging. This doesn’t discredit anything.

I easily have a testable theory, just look how simple it is to perform. I only brought this up because I just roll my eyes in game when this happens. Why does this happen? I thought the game wasn’t rigged right?

Tell me how I can go from playing as Mine Warlock an fight Rogues an Hunters all the time. To building an Lolmage deck with a bunch of discover cards an pyroblast etc an be gifted Paladins with Jailer, an Priests? Tick tock man, those opponents weren’t magically around for my Warlock runs.


How do you know about that i havnt mentioned it at all. Again ouch. You just demasked yourself, do you realize?

You slacking big time, buddy.

Thats not rigging thats called a manufactured coincident. :wink:

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Sometimes we have to plays devil’s advocate. I keep seeing this thread popup over and over, an I see a bunch of people keep ragging on you lol.

I noticed Bowser still hunting for proof an thought to myself… “This ought to be good” lol.

I only give ideas to test that I can easily see for myself from playing this game like anyone else can. The ultimate thing we can do is prove it’s rigged. Doesn’t matter how little it is or not, like deciding what cards to force you to draw rigged. Even just finding out how it matches people can be a form of rigging.

People say it matches based on Rank, then it matches based on MMR. But what else does it do? We found out bots can be your opponents at Legend when Aegaeon’s post was saying that wasn’t supposed to be happening at Legend.

I think it’s disheartening to see people try to prove it’s rigged somehow an everyone would just blurt out “Ohh it’s a bug” an dismiss it all together.

The less information we have on how it works, will never be good enough to prove it’s rigged. Cause we can’t disprove it’s rigged when we don’t understand how it’s supposed to work to begin with. BUT if it’s supposed to be rank an MMR only…HRMMMM… Is that how we’re gonna chalk random up?

Well it’s random… that’s why your Mage deck fought the Paladin an Priest. It could’ve been Rogue an Hunter just like Warlock was over an over… Sure man, sure. It’s no longer random when anyone under the sun can do this exact strategy an see the same results. Aka it’s not random.


I am getting quiet tired of it, as you stated we just cant have the ultimate proof when theres just 3 people at best in the company that understands the algorythm at its fulliest.

All we have is our observations and experience and from time to time to raise awareness that this game might not to be the equal fun as its adveritised.

Still keep playing cause i love collecting and the artworks. Since i dont play wow anymore after several years since vanilla beeing a server first raider (and from time to time top 50 Eu :blush:) this still gives me that wow feeling, when i first time played warcraft.

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