Is Hearthstone really rigged?

I figured it out. To the “It’s rigged” crowd rigged is a synonym for losing a game of Hearhstone. So by that definition the game is rigged because every game has a loser sometime even 2 losers because draws show the defear screen. By this definition it is obvious the game is “rigged.” because every game has a loser.

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I am still laughing, SMH in 2 short weeks i’ve become a blizzard employee with multiple personalities and am part of an UNDEAD group of bullies, of which members are growing exponentially… 3 to 7 now i think.

AND this group im supposedly part of is accused of conspirting to squelch and silence conspiracy theorists.


Please read my reply a little further above - I would really like to see some proof.
But noone has ever provided anything even close to proof.

Anectodal evidence has never been proof and saying something is true in bold letters on the internet doesn’t make it proof either!!

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Sure leave out my conclusion where i explain why i cannot be true. Whatever suits your agenda right.

Here is the proof that you being selective when you want to and that you cant be reasoned with!

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I see your point, but equating theorists to losers i feel as way too general and slighty condecending. Easily invoking unneccessary defensive rebuttal attacks. Such a general statement, if felt so strongly should be quoted for someone whoever in particular and not the general group you are referering to.

Sorry. Anal. I know.

I in general love to read about theories, have seen some numbers, abeit not enough. I also have not scanned the entirety of this topic across the world but this thread is zooming downhill lol.

At least some people make an effort to photoshop UFOs in pictures. For my entertainments sake, just saying. I do believeeee

Well, they wouldn’t be here whining about it if the rigged matchmaker were unfairly feeding them wins, now would they?

Oops my bad. Forgot this thread is about matching making rigging. In my head, it has clumped together all forms of rigging.

I can confirm as well. I have never spend much on this game but i did make legend while still beeing f2p.

It makes you think,to say the least.

But maybe this is the exception that does proof the rule. Blizzard letting a few f2p players get to legend as a sort of poster boy. To proof that it isnt rigged.

And then still rigging the game for everyone else.

Its possible,not saying this is the case but its possible.
And according to one theory (not one which i particulary favor myself but thats a different story) everything that is possible will happen eventually.
Eventually there will be a universe where blizzard rigs the game.
And who is to say that we are not in that universe.

And i refer again to the 3 eudora rolls getting shifter.
Where you all said:well its rare but its possible in theory.


Its highly unlikely, not just “possible”.

You have already made up your mind. Thats fine.

You are wrong, but there is no convincing you otherwise.

Show evidence substantiating rigging.
Not proof, just evidence.

And now troll boy Blackmarket is typing…
The guy who has admitted to using alt accounts.
Says something about his credibility from the get-go!

Im waiting for patent to pop. Its groundhog day erryday.

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Well said, since there no flying toyota cars aswell, even that theres a patent on them, as you believe.

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Still waiting on your evidence bud.
You wont provide any, because YOU DONT HAVE ANY!

All we can gain from your post history is that you are a troll who uses multiple accounts to agree with themself.


15 more characters.

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I dont think thats the case, you just have to play alot more, like you stated before.

If the algorythm gives paying players more favourable matchups your conclusion makes absolutly sense.

A f2p player has mostlikly to play alot more and eventually reaches legend as well. But has to play 2 or 3 times as much.

Well, you lost you credibility when saying there no flying cars, trying desperately to make my logic questionable :wink:

My simple brain cant process this thought process.

Patents are mostly used for to protect against competitors, if this patent is so evil, and its still doing its job, whatever its protecting is coveted. Therefore, the rest of the world is also patenting someting of the sort as well.

What is the hooohaaa about???

The patent in reference is some how become some sort of disclaimer, and therefore is the integral part to incriminating blizzards (not even sure what) evil (not proven) behaviour.

Are we all asleep by now? Beacuse I am.

Logic is the science of reasoning, proof, and validity. Unfortunately, theories includes many hypotheses (suppositions) that fail the test of logic

How are you not a preaching a conspiracy ahhahaha. Regardless whatever your opinons are?

I’m not even sure if this is considered gaslighting anymore, since i’ve been accused of everything under the sun.

In all honesty, the complaining about blizzards products and activities are our rights and should be heard.

However the constant repeating harping on about matchmaking and patents feels obsessive by a f2p player. Its more reflective of competitor sabotage (for me anyway).

Disclaimer : i have no idea what the market is like. All of the above are MY thoughts.

Been part of the industry myself i have some knowledge about strategies and technicially possibilities how we make customers pay one way or the other.

Also i experienced myself how our CMs used their private accounts to flame unwanted individuals on the forums.

Nothing new here.