Is Hearthstone really rigged?

I accept a general MM-“rigging” to ensure spendings from players which is evidently there and treats everyone the same.

HINT: It is trying to bring everyone to 50% WR.

  • For new people this means they hopefully reach the point where they stop loosing every game and feel like they win some → they may spend money after that to win some more
  • For older players this means they hopefully stop winning 80% of their games and start loosing some → they may spend money after that to win more again

This is what a rigging to encrease sales looks like in a Digital CardGame.
You can’t compare HS to mobile gacha stuff or D:$:I because the motivation for people to spend money are vastly different.
And the motivation to spend is what counts for Bli$$ard.
That is the legal form to rip you off - it is called a marketing strategy.

So for now let us assume that this MM-Algorithm takes every spending and deck-code from every playing people into account to maximise sales. (excluding the immense ammount of queue-time this would mean)
If this was technically possible I have no doubt a company would use this algorithm.

What I absolutely doubt is that this wouldn’t have been discovered!!!

There are so many sites and people out there who track their games and NOONE has ever noticed anything outside the norm.

There was the counterargument that stat-sites are in on it with blizzard.
Even if that were true, 10.000 of regular HS-players like me use deck-trackers. I have 5000 games tracked and what I see is the navigation towards 50% with each deck the more I played that deck.
And suprise → thats what everybody sees in the long run.

And when we are at this point the only logical conclusion can and should be → if HS was rigged (playerspecific) it would have been found out by someone.

To be clear: I don’t work for blizzard, I don’t know anyone on this forum (I’m from the EU and mostly just read here).
I am a very critical person and if anyone would show me any statistical outlier or even the slightest hint that the MM might be rigged I would love to dig into that.

But I have not seen that anywhere yet - it’s either a “I lost therefore game must be rigged” or “evil-evil-company, look at the patent game must be rigged”

Until that day I choose to remain a logical and responsible human being who has to conclude this game is not rigged at any playerspecific level.


Another rigged example. Blizzard did nerf the putri hero power several times now.
They didnt tell anyone about this besides for their incrowd. You where left wondering why you lowrolled all the time but thats why.

Now first 2 days i never got putri on my f2p account.
Now after the nerfs i get him offered all the time,

Coincidence? i think not.

They should remove the hero. They only make a hero like this “spend 4 gold and get something that either wins you the game or loses you the game” to help the rigging.
its such an incredibly dumb mechanic.


Same lol

All I see is a bunch of hidden replies. I can assume they are full of garbage ignorance.

It always seems to be these low post count posters…I wonder if they are alts.

I added him to my ignore list and saw my ignore list dropped by one. Looks like someone I ignored a month or so got banned permanently. I fully expect this one to follow suit.

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I think you are on to something.

God, this is so sad.

Nobody cares about you mate, you’re not that important. People are just dissecting your points.

But really, having the gall to call people narcissistic is the most incredible thing here.


Don’t ignore them, they might potentially provide information that might change your entire outlook on the world as you know it.

If i dont care about someone, i ignore them. You just keep it coming as a matter of fact. Just take a look at the last 50 replies in this thread.

Even this reply i quoted of yours… you dont care about me that much that you have to write 6 lines of text about how much you dont care about me.

Funny isnt it.

So do you just switch accounts when one gets muted or what?

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Arguments are about points dude, not you and me. I personally don’t care about you, I care about your argument.

Granted, my last post was about you, but it’s more of a “is this dude really liking his own posts so he doesn’t feel small and still calling people narcissists” viewpoint.

You somewhat a official here you sound like one?

What if i tell you its non of your buisness.

If you are an official just look up my ip and see what you find… hint i might use vpn.

Fair and square …but you not willed to argue in propper manner, all you did the last 100 replies is labeling me as some tinfoil hat wearing conspiricy theorist, who might believe on top of his claims that the game is rigged, that the earth is flat.

Plus flagging my post as you outnumber me as troll or harrassment when there is the slightes chance its against the forum rules like using a word for mental illness. Even if it was not ment to be harrassment.

You guys got me really upset friend.

Nah, nothing fancy. Just noticing that you did this:


Man regarding to Izzero, you care way to much about me…because no one does at all, he says :wink:

Sometimes you need to show some authority otherwise, if you dont watch out he will be the fancy one one day.

In the office i worked we had the same…leads come and go and get replaced for what ever reasons they can come up with. Especially when you have ambitious people in your team :blue_heart:

Thank me later.

But… That’s what you are. You ARE arguing for the conspiracy

No one knows who is flagging your posts. I know it’s not me, but I know Scroties, Schylla, Mand, Never lucky and everyone else in this thread as much as I know you, so to say we never exchanged a single word, much less being a group.

I’d argue it’s pretty close to reality for most of the other people since these forums don’t exactly favour PMs.

There’s no group here, you’re singlehandedly uniting strangers against you.

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The nice person i am ill accept that as an excuse, now i actually can play the game. Peace out.

Yet another example of him not even understanding how other people might perceive differently.

Been a whale for yours never cracked platinum. So the whole whales get an easy ride to legend through rigging is silly. I gurantee you other paying players can confirm that too. If you have been f2p the entire time how would you even know if paying players got rigged matches in their favor to begin with?


I can confirm that. I have invested a lot into this game, and have never been legend.

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Yes it’s been proven over n over again to these blizzfan bois that claim it isn’t when it clearly is, there is proof of it being rigged.


If there’s proof, why has it been seven years with nobody showing it?