Is Hearthstone really rigged?

No one likes to get exposed, i get that.

Not seeing any evidence.

No evidence no crime right ?

Yep, no evidence, no crime.

Where is you evidence of a “crime” taking place?

Over 90% of patents are not used, Toyota has a patent for a flying car. I see no flying Toyotas!

I liked the approach more, when you guys said i would not understand the mechanics described in the patent at all, but nice try Swamp ill give you that.

So no evidence then?

Just as history has proven, by each an EVERY conspiracist. Including you.

I can show tha there are flying vehicle…
I am yet to see a flying Toyota though.
Yet Toyota owns a patent for flying cars, therefore flying Toyotas MUST exist!
That is your logic.

You really don’t think at all about how what you say could be interpreted, do you? “Naughty word that starts with N,” he says, and we’re just supposed to assume that you’re not being racist.

That’s not the logic I’m afraid, the logic is that all toyotas can fly but most toyota owners are forced to stay grounded.

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No earlier they called someone disagreeing with them something that starts with n and ends with azi.

I also did not say that the game isnt rigged, it’s such a broad statement no-one can demonstrate that.

But occasionally when people have put forward a theory, I’ve pointed out ways they can check if the data supports them.

Your specific theory can’t be disproved (game is rigged and all available data is faked), I just think it’s super unlikely as it has a sequence of low probability hurdles to meet, as previously discussed.

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Well its rigged against me!!! Hmmph.

I bought the BG pass to see if i would would could win more.
I can’t. Therefore it’s rigged. No wait… it’s not, because its rigged for people who buy.
Ergo i just suck. Oh well…

Time go go read the patent thingy to find out how i can win. (as if)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

If you say so, no ones know yourself better then you do.

No, i didnt thought the slightest about how that can be interpreted.


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Doubling down it is called.

A new aproach that seems to be popular in general these days.
And i thought by myself:why not give it a try and see how it goes.

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You can objectively point out balance numbers to people.

Heck no

Some people are particularly more peeved by anti-intelectualism (if you can even call it that) than others

Well, it looks like they on it and their patent on flying cars is in good use.

So yeah they exist. If someones logic is way off then its yours not mine.

Pro tip: Next time you feel the urge to add something clever to this topic, do a quick research before you emberasse yourself again.

Nice try son!

Toyota-backed startup has flown — and landed — a flying car

A Japanese startup with financial backing from Toyota has successfully tested a flying car and hopes to make the vehicle available to consumers in three years.

SkyDrive’s SD-03 prototype, in which a pilot sat at the controls, took flight on August 25 at a net-enclosed field in Japan, where it circled for about four minutes before landing safely back on the ground, according to the company.

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Are you liking your own posts with the other acc? hahahaha

Pure comedy gold! Someone got his facts straight.

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Since you feel so strong in a group, i have to make it up some how… whats the ratio?

Seven of you vs me? You have to try alot harder. I eat bullys like you for breakfast.

Is this somekind of behaviour you learned in school back those days? Ganging up on 1 person.

You must have been very popular then.

Ps: dont forget to flag my posts as trolling or harrassment, even if there are not but it seems like, even thats 7 of you, you have to make up for something you are lacking in this whole debate. Therefor keep it coming.