Is Hearthstone really rigged?

I mean, one of those groups align with Jewish Space Laser lady and Holohealing beds from the aliens allied to Trump, sooooooooo

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I think people are just trying to search for more meaning in their lives. The “mundane world” as some may call it just doesn’t do it for them. It may be something spiritual too that people are seeking and they use conspiracy theories to help fill that void. It’s a way to escape that normalcy - its more exciting to think there’s more to it all than what we see at face value. I don’t fault people for it. In some ways, is it possible to be lied to about things - certainly I don’t discount it but maybe that can explain some of it.

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MTG has to be the most ignorant person in all of politics ever. And that’s saying A LOT. It’s obvious something is off with her…but she actually represents many, many people on the right.

Everyone looks at MTG and thinks she’s nutty, but all I see is she is a solid representative of people I’m surrounded by. If you live in the South in the Bible Belt, MTG is literally par for the course. No exaggeration here. What she says and the stuff coming out of her mouth is what you hear on a daily basis.

Yeah the whole world is in on the Hearthstone rigging. It’s a plot by the lizard people to have you and only you specifically lose random ladder games of Hearthstone because random ladder games decide the fate of the lizard race. The lizard people can’t afford to lose a single hearthstone ladder game against you and only you. Losing to everyone else is fine so they don’t rig those games only your games are the rigged ones because you are the special chosen one.

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Hearthstone isn’t rigged and the earth is round, that settles that.

A group of people engaging in activity that has harmful effects, and who keep that activity secret to the in-group, is the definition of conspiracy.

You theorize that such a conspiracy exists. Well, I don’t know if theorize is the most appropriate word, but you believe in it, that much is clear.

So I don’t really understand why you’re fighting against being labeled a conspiracy theorist. Wouldn’t you rather defend conspiracy theorists? Say how they’ve gotten a bad rap in your view when, as far as you can tell, conspiracies to control people are just how the world works?

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Just an update to my above post. I just hit Legend a couple minutes ago.

Got to Diamond 1 was 2 stars in and kept winning/losing back and forth.

Was playing my Curse Imp Deck but I kept running into my hard counter (Frost DK and Quest DH). So I switched to my Blood DK and I finally got it after embarrassing a Shockspitter Hunter by Brann → Patchwerk-ing his Brann and Shockspitters in his hand and deck.


I dont fight you at all nore do i see you as evil, you guys do what you have to do, as you probably get paid for. But who knows maybe just me beeing a paranoid conspiricy theorist. Who knows :wink:

The sheeple dont know better.

Tbh i am starting to think that everyone who doesnt see that the game is rigged is a blizzard employe. Like all the threads complaining about balance,they must make up 50% of the forum if not more. Noone ever argues on those threads,at least not extensively.
Those threads come and go and everyone seems to be fine with them.

But the rigged threads bring in everyone to argue and belittle people.
Coincidence? i think not. Blizzard knows the truth is out there and they try to cover it up at all costs.

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It’s a fact of human psychology that as social isolation increases, tendency towards conspiracy theorizing increases. Because the internet has been, since its birth, an outlet for those who are socially isolated in the brick and mortar world, the internet has always been a haven for conspiracy theorists. 'Member the four dimensional time cube? (Okay, I’m putting the member berries away now.)

As Schyla implied, younger generations are more prone to conspiracy theories, not less. They have lived increasingly vicarious lives, and it makes sense that with the reduced amount of exposure to events directly and the corresponding increase in reliance on others for information, that the looming spectre of paranoia lurking under the subconscious would grow more powerful. The great irony of all this is, yes, the world is increasingly a place where it’s easy for a stranger to feed you misinformation that you aren’t in a position to easily debunk. The vulnerability IS higher.

But as long as the misinformation you’re being sold has a comfy explanation for how other narratives are themselves attempts to manipulate you, then belief in it is nice and comfy. Because it tells you that you’ve solved the problem of identifying who the manipulators are. Counterintuitively, the more insecure we are about people trying to manipulate us, the more pathetically desperate we become for an answer that gives us the feeling of security against such manipulations. The very realization of the increased danger makes us weaker to it, not stronger.

Which is why the real solution is non isolation. Get out in the real world and work in a major corporation for a bit, meet some people of races and religions other than your own.

Perhaps one thing that’s innoculated me a bit against all this craziness is that I grew up in a predominantly Muslim area of the US in the 1990s. I knew what Muslim Americans were like (and if there’s one thing I want to impress upon people who haven’t met any, it’s this: in the same way that the vast majority of “Christians” aren’t fundamentalists and, in all probability, go to church maybe twice a year, most Muslims are not fundamentalists and go around sinning left and right by sharia standards because they’re essentially normal people). So when the post 9/11/2001 islamophobia started spreading around, I knew it was patently ridiculous. It really solidified for me that vasts amounts of people can be very, very stupid.

That said, please don’t think you’re immune to this because you’re on the “right side of history.” I think it’s such a disservice to, say, Christians, to assume they’re all Flat Earthers. A lot are, but there’s a fair amount of individuality out there and, perhaps more importantly, we need to preserve what individuality we have left. Get out of your echo chamber, shut the heck up for a few hours, watch and listen. And then maybe you’ll see how Hanlon’s Razor works and buy into conspiracy theories a bit less.

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And still we dont discuss the flat earth theory or else nonsense, we discuss a matchmaking system that might be rigged for given reasons aka gaming industrie standards to maximize profits in any technicially / psychological way.

Is psychologist helping designing games a conspiricy theory?
Is selling you overpriced lootboxed a conspiricy theory?
Is the patent and the idea behind it a conspiricy theory?

A companie thinking about matching players based on what stuff they have bought, mostlikly goes further then that. Because thats in its nature when its technicially possible.

And thats far away from beein a conspiricy theory.

I still cant imagine how you can put that on the same page with people saying the earth is flat etc.

And there it is. The conspiracy theorists keep digging deeper and deeper. You’ve now reached the same level of Flat Earthers who insist that anyone who disagrees with them “Must be working for NASA”.

Rather than looking inward and taking a logical step back and considering the possibility that you may be wrong, you just take the conspiracy deeper into the realm of piling on more conspiracies to justify your position.

Like I mentioned above, I’m pretty sure this is some sort of psychosis. This is now reaching some Alex Jones level of crazy. The hoax must be real, and all the people who disagree must be in on the hoax.

I think someone in another thread recently just predicted this. Oh yeah, that was me. :rofl:


That’s like asking if a bone is a skeleton. By itself, no. But those are the things conspiracy theories are made of. Right now you’re just pointing at individual pieces of your conspiracy theory and asking me if that’s a conspiracy theory.

There just people love to put labels on others as the put labels on themselves to.

When you believe you can’t change because of a label you’ve been ascribed or given yourself, you start to cement the assumption that you can’t do certain things. Life becomes much more stressful when you’re trying to negotiate your way through it by avoiding tasks you “can’t” do.

And thinking about people’s personalities and skill sets in a less fixed way stops you from being an essentialist. When you deny people and yourself the privilege to change and move in a different direction, you’re denying a sense of what makes us human.

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No, a company matching players on stuff they have bought and saying that they don’t is by definition a conspiracy. The theory that it is as such is by definition a conspiracy theory.

Look, let me give you an example of a conspiracy theory that was, in time, proven true: the FBI versus Martin Luther King Jr. “Conspiracy theory” is not synonymous with “false.” “Theory” is not synonymous with “false.” Some theories are true. A lot of theories are nonsense.

Conspiracy theories are more likely to be nonsense than theories generally, because there is a powerful human psychological need for conspiracy theories, regardless of if they’re true or not. Hell†, the concept of Satan is basically one big conspiracy theory. It doesn’t really make sense that, given the existence of an all-powerful, all-wise deity, there would be some punk demigod out there causing all kinds of problems for Him, but nevertheless they just HAD to make up someone who’s out to get you.

† Pun intended.

Thats a documented public fact and not a conspiricy. Debating how its used and for what games we bebated for a very long time.

But i know what you try to explain. Again we dont debate the bible nor space " a word with N i am not allowed to write here) on the moon, having a secret base within earth.

If you had basic reading comprehension, you’d understand that I have said that the Venn diagrams of “conspiracy theory” and “documented public fact” sometimes, albeit rarely, overlap.

What the actual f

Maybe i dont, but can you see how offtopic we are again. Now we only define the term conspiricy theorist.

Third Reich people…what the actual f is going on in your head.

Yes, i can. Just as soon as you show evidence of rigging.

I can wait cupcake. Show me your EVIDENCE, or walk away.