Ingame Shop pack defaults feedback

Hi, with the old ingame shop the default selection when you opened it was for buying packs with gold, but since they changed it this month, it defaults to the $7.99 bundle every time you open the shop. Could you please return it to defaulting to the gold purchase? Several times I’ve almost accidentally bought packs with money I dont really have, and it’s annoying when you have to do this several times a day, or even just more than once. It’s not even logical how it defaults as it does, since the gold is the first one in the list, while the current default is somewhere in the middle.

Having it also default to the card packs instead of making us scroll past the heroes and bundles would also be appreciated, as you either bought them and won’t be able to do it again, or you don’t intend to and they’re just in the way. Either way, they’re in the way when forced to scroll past it every time you want a pack.

The old shop where there were sub-menus was perfect as you could just navigate to what you wanted and it was quick, ignoring the stuff you don’t want. A return to that style, or at least have it recall where you left off when you open the shop, is sorely needed.

Thank you for your time and consideration.