If they're putting offers like this in the shop

Exists very much, fortunately.

Only in your feeble mind.

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You know what also exists? The posts I made with links and scientific backing.

You just gonna ignore that to push your narrative?


In the real world. Come back when you’ve learned that "F2P doesn’t refer to you being F2P but the way of playing a game. TF does it even mean that “you” are “f2p”. Who’s playing you?

Considering you are the sole individual who believes the tripe you are typing, it is you that needs to go learn something.

Come back when you have researched what being a F2P gamer is. Then you will understand why semi-F2P simply does not exist.

And they don’t contradict at all:

Sure buddy, when you play Guild Wars 2 with an active subscription for some benefits from January - March and then cancel your subscription and play the game from April - December free to play, then you’ve not been a F2P gamer for 3/4 of the year. You’ve not been partially (semi) paying for contents.

It’s either on or off.

If you buy one arena ticket in Hearthstone, you can use it forever and as many times as you want, so once you buy it, you can’t play the game f2p anymore.

Brilliant logic.

Tell you what, if it makes you feel any better, you can call yourself whatever you want. I’ve reached my participation limit. There are facts, and I’ve presented them. Have a great day, sir or madam.

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You intermittently paying for the game doesnt make you F2P, it makes you someone who intermittently spends on the game. AKA a paying player.

F2P or paying are the only options. Its a black and white term, you either are, or you arent. YOU ARE NOT!

I never disagreed with your findings.

Just because you’ve discovered how player base groups are categorized doesn’t mean that common words, which are part of everyday language, stop existing. Semi is as normal a word as partially - it has nothing to do with business jargon or scientific terms; it’s simply language. I don’t even understand why you’d approach it this way.

It’s like denying that terms like ‘barely active gym members’ or ‘partially active gym members’ can exist, just because you found a document where internal gym economists refer to members who only use 50% of their subscription as ‘donkeys’.

I’m partially ignoring this topic for semi-forever.


No, it not a word. Its a prefix which turns your definition into an oxymoron.

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Now you see how this thread has devolved into what it is now.

Dude pays to play and then claims he’s not pay to play.

The delusion is quite astounding.

Literally pays $10 a month :rofl: “I don’t pay 2 play” Unreal.

:arrow_down_small: Here comes the excuse post.


You can’t pay intermittently without coming from a position of playing for free, otherwise it wouldn’t be intermittently but regular payments.

You’ve been defeated by the premise of your own argument.

You aren’t either. It’s not you who is free to play. You can only play the game for free.

Things that can be partial are, by nature, not oxymorons.

Saying you’re partially paying is denying you’re paying to play? Jeez. The brain gymnastics.

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Cool, let me go tell my doctor I am a semi-smoker. I spend very little time smoking, therefore I wouldnt even be considered a semi-smoker using your logic.

And once you spend, even once, you are no longer F2P, you are a paying customer. There is no semi here, you paid therefore losing the F2P title in the process. Semi-F2P exists nowhere outside of your head. Source: This thread.

Black and white terms cant be partial, they either are or they arent. There is no middle ground. F2P is in that category.

No one even cares if you pay. They care about your misuse of the word. You seem insecure that you actually support the game that entertains us.

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The comments I really want to make I can’t here, lol.

It reminds me of a guy I used to know who slept with men when he was wasted but told everyone he was 100% straight when he was sober. He was also an alcoholic.


No, saying you’re “partially paying” is quite possibly the most dishonest thing you could possibly say.

The kind of person who would get a discount on a street walker and then tell the cops it’s ok because he didn’t pay for it, he only partially did so it’s totally ok.

That’s the logic.

You pay. Debate over.

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LOL This is exactly it. The delusion is real.


So much so that I flat won’t engage with them anymore.

I’ve rarely seen such broad consensus from this board, yet this person can’t accept it.


No, you’re a customer who paid once. Big difference.

If you paid, even once, 5€ for card packs in 2016 and have been playing the game for free ever since, you’re not a paying customer.

Otherwise, Blizzard HQ would refer to inactive accounts in their annual reports and list a few million more paying customers than actually exist.

I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.

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