If Blizzard focused on these three things, their financial income would increase by 20%

. Better and more rewarding PROGRESSION systems.
. More diversity and player choice.
. Better graphics, interface and display diversity (customizable card art, heroes art, etc…)

If Blizzard embraced a philosophy of putting more content and adding more quality into their games, their player base would grow from casual players and Esports players, to also people who are interested in lore, “whales” and heavier players, increasing their income by about 20-30%.


It’s a card game, what’s there to improve graphic wise?


I get it, Blizz has the best card game on the market and they are trying to find ways to prolong it sustainability but, $80 bundles and capping median with win rates is not the way to go. If they really gave the UI a considerable refurbishing like; REAL STATS without 3rd party deck trackers, customizable hero skins, more rewards beyond 500 wins, card trading… I think it would be a little easier to digest! Another class would be dope! I always thought the Naga could be a main class!


They should allow to play with some of the Heroes from the ‘Solo Adventures’.
I want to play with ‘Mr. Chu’ :panda_face: I don’t want to use some shirtless warrior, Garrosh!

I specifically wrote, all their games, not only hearthstone, jesus

You’re still wrong. Most Blizzard games are competitive games. People who play competitive games don’t want better graphics that ruin their FPS. They mostly care about having a good, fluid and enjoyable gameplay, they don’t care how realistic the trees are.


The only reason I no longer play Hearthstone is their lack of raytracing support.

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I remember pro’s playing StarCraft on the lowest graphics setting so they could spot cloaked units better.


You actually believe your 6 lines of text can compare to the literal teams of people they have looking at their finances?


You would be cute if it were not so sad.

tonging down all the rng bs would go a long way.

nothing triggers me more then losing to some random garbage to the point where i dread logging in to just do my quest.

im sure im not the only one who feels that way and contributes to player quieting the game.