I wish Hearthstone was more skill-testing

Maybe it’s just me but I feel like this game is just too easy. I like it for the art and design, I like the archetypes’s concept at least partially, but when it comes to skill-testing it is really a meh.
I understand that is designed as a game for childrens or even as a mobile game(at least that’s how it feels in the present), but I think we can get more than “Deal 2 damage” and “Heal 2 damage” type of things.
Yes, I know that in order to get to Legend you need to have some knowledge about the game(like when to trade, when to clear, when to commit to the board) but I was talking more about what the cards’s effects actually do. I take Serena Bloodfeather as a good example: meta or non-meta is irrelevant, what I mean is that you have to do at least some simple math in your head before using her in order to trade/clear correctly.
I want more cards like this, I feel like the game would be more exciting than using the same boring “Deal 3 damage to the board” or “If you have X in hand, deal 3 damage”.


You are playing the wrong game.
HS’s popularity lies in it’s simplicity.
MTG is for players who love complexity.


In addition to MTG, YuGiOh has also developed a good amount of combos and complexity over the years, and has both physical and digital versions of it depending on how you prefer to play. i think MTG does too actually…


You should try Magic, far more complex.

Magic isn’t as complex as it is an over convoluted mess. They more than anyone could learn a thing or two from Hearthstone.

sometimes less is more. Especially with that card text. Holy #$%^. Some of those cards come with a freaking Text book. When really all i need is just a jargon Translator

plus the player base is insufferable with all their skill snobbery and gate keeping arrogance

OP is asking for more cards where u need to do some basic math, not for new and complex card game.

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there should be a card that in order for you to attack with it you have to solve a random algebra question


Play Runeterra or Shadowverse for complexity.

doesnt sound like blizzard card, but i wouldnt be surprised about card that charges your credit card everytime it attacks.

Defile was a complicated card that could have been seen as a card to trade or arrange and count hp, 1 2 3 4 ± death rattle pings. It was a two mana card that could easily do 3-6+ damage board clears or even clear 8/8s and 10/s with enough death rattles and cube shenanigans lol.

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Just got legend with seed cata lock, like 80% win rate. Never got higher then diamond and even then I had to play to many matches. Anyone can get legend…