I understand now

I switched to playing “highlander hunter” and I get why people say this is way OP. I’ve played against it for so long and was constantly getting the losing end no matter what other deck I was playing. So I created it and man I have just shot up the ladder. I have not seen where this deck has any hard counters. My one friend refers to it as “Putz Hunter” as any “Putz” can win with it. I just have to hope that I don’t end up becoming a “putz” player because of the skill of the deck. It seems to be as easy to play as DH. Others thoughts?

The nerf to dragonqueen is going to hit it in late game hard but its a solid deck. Since DH is getting nerfed back to the stone age and murloc paladin and pirate warrior are not popular it should be in great shape.

welcome to the design philosophy of blizzard. also make sure you have a credit card.


Yeah I now see why HS has 3.2 rating in App store because most of the users are just little kids begging everywhere for free stuff and give softwares 1 star when they can’t get them.

I guess gta 5 and forntire arguably the two most financially successful games of all time. are popular.

becuase of all the “free” stuff they give away.

Emmm, yet they don’t belong in the CCG category. HS remains #30 in CCG leaderboard.

my point is a game can give away almost everything and still make billions.

GTA 5 used to be P2P. 100% F2P doesn’t fit a CCG model. The best games in steam is PTP, I play games like Cuphead and GTA 5 and I bought both P2P.

Not for a CCG or a TCG, LoR is not 100% F2P, players still buy wildcards and bundles and emotes.

GT5s P2P cost less then one HS expansion. and fornite is f2p. if a P2P is cheaper then a F2p game the F2p game is being greedy.

hello cardmastter meet the point, the point meet cardmaster. except for LOR is actually F2p

HS logic is about torture, and I happen to like torture. LoR logic isn’t my favorite. To progress, you need to feel the PAIN OF THE DEVS. Which is what I learned playing Cuphead.

maybe you can say that for cup head, a game that is purposely hard. but HS is not hard it’s time consuming

Yeah. But to get good ranks a cheap aggro deck is enough.

that has literally nothing to do with f2p.

You earn them. Buy using old standard card you earned last year.

so you think a game that takes a YEAR to earn cards is f2p?

Slow f2p. LoR is fast F2P.

if it takes a year for a f2p player to catch up to other players. then the game is not f2p.

Free to play = you don’t need a single cent to get necessary items to play good. Which is true