I told ya'll the Paladin cards would be garbage

I really hoped for some Reno support that makes sense on a larger scale.

So, sadly my disappointment is based on reality.

But yeah.
You can assume I am talking about Wild, unless it would be otherwise off-topic.

Unless you have seen the cards in advance you can’t know if they will all be crap or not. Who knows Paladin might even be T1 next tier. You just have to wait and see we’ve seen upsets before in the meta game. There are plenty of underrated cards in the history of Hearthstone.

And considering the Paladin position in the meta right now they will get something really good for sure we just havent seen it yet. There are still cards left to be revealed.

And I wouldnt rule out the two legendarys they’ve gotten yet, and Sand Wasp Queen aint bad for both sustain and board presence. Even Salhet’s Pride will most likely see play. So to say that they are all garbage is not a fair description of them. They might not be as flashy as some other cards but in the end neither was Patches nor the Rogue quest and remind me again what happened to those two.

While alot of higher mana cost cards has been hyped heavily but most of them even though they are flashy tends to stay outside the meta for most parts.

When has any 1 hp minion ever been good outside of a ridiculous battleycry lmao

No one cares about wild, especially when it comes to game balance.

I never suggested that, and don’t think it’s unreasonable in the slightest. My post was more of an attack on how OP masks their intent more than anything else. It’s perfectly valid to be frustrated with a class that’s been dragged in eight different directions over the last how-many expacs, and if that’s what OP was frustrated about then they should have focused on that rather than going on a rant about how “alL oF PaLaDin’S cArDS arE gArbAgE” before spoilers have even finished.

Most of their discussion in their last post was focused on the fact that “1 Health matters is bad no matter what cards they could possibly print in the future” far more than “I as a Paladin main am frustrated by the lackluster amount of support that Paladin receives for a too-wide pool of archetypes”. The same attitude they displayed in their last topic shows here, where they list off the cost of a new spell, a misinterpretation of the new spell, and a complaint of how it’s bad without any justification of why that’s the case.

I’d love to see more Paladin Control tools. I’d love Paladin to have a more focused collection of archetypes. There’s definitely a discussion to be had there. OP made no attempt at such a discussion.

Yeah. Sorry.
When your main class gets the shortest end of the stick, you kind of get salty.

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Righteous protector.

Do you think before you type?

And how many of these new Paladin minions have divine shield and taunt? Do YOU think before you type?

As a Shaman main I can relate (though we received a lot of help the last couple expacs). I’m sure Blizz will make a decision on Paladin’s direction soon = P

Please no.

No more “decisions”!

Moving goal post.

All you asked was

And I gave an example that your bias ignored. You can’t start adding to your question AFTER I already answered it just to avoid admitting you were wrong.

So let me make this abundantly clear


Can you link where everyone doubted you?

ANY 1-HP minion? Let’s see…

Based on a cursory search:

Bloodmage Thalnos
Bluegill Warrior
Crystalline Oracle
Drygulch Jailer
Explosive Sheep
Greedy Sprite
Grimscale Oracle
Loot Hoarder
Patches the Pirate
Possessed Villager

Are ALL 1-health minions that have seen appreciable play in competitive decks in their respective Standard format, and many of them still see play in Wild. This is also ignoring dozens of others, but they all had battlecries. I could have continued past “R”, but I think a point has been made.


you are sucking off Blizzard so hard LMAO
Paladin is totally screwed, Blizzard doesn’t care because it’s not among their choosen, it’s so obvious to anyone that isn’t a shill

Why are you so upset?

I never said Paladin wasn’t screwed. My point is that your argument that it is screwed (up to and including the personal attacks) has plenty of holes.

I am upset too, but at least I am insulting the one responsible for it.



Because Paladins has been 100% in the dumpster ever since the uncalled for Equality nerf alongside getting rid of Divine Favor, 100% killing off any kind of control or aggro deck it could have.

And now the answer to fill in these gaps are 1 HP minions, a medicore quest a TERRIBLE 8 mana spell and an awful Highlander card that won’t work because dude bomb warrior lmao.

The devs have no god damned clue what to do with this game and it shows badly.


Oh. This expansion is for wild though.

The Equality nerf was just the beginning.

Had they actually done something, like give Paladin a boardclear, things would be different.
But beyond that: All other design decisions are half-baked at best, as has been repeated ad nauseam.