I love Heroes of Starcraft

I think Heroes of Starcraft is the best thing that happened to Hearthstone in a while. The new Meta is more board centered. The amount of Asteroid-Shamans went down significantly. There are strong budget decks, even in tier 1.

Also, I like the miniset being very synergistic with itself. This way, newly released cards probably won’t make it stronger. This way Blizzard can release new and interesting cards, without powercreep.

Yes, there are some annoying things, but it’s more the old cards that are the problem. Death Growl makes Zerg-DK a bit nutty. Fizzle leads to some infinite Ceaseless Expanse combos, that shut down your board.

But other than that? I love it!

As a bonus: Minisets give better dust per gold value than packs. A miniset being good benefits f2p and budget players. I don’t want to jinx it, but is Blizzard moving in the right direction?


So far Im loving it aswell. So much stuff is actually playable and most importantly fun. Yes,dk can pop off sometimes, but with the rotation all the deathrattle enablers will be gone ( growl,yodeler, mosh pit). People complained about balance issues, me included to a point, but whats the alternative? Nerf everything to the ground and go back to playing dungar and ele mage? My only issue with the update is that it was a miniset and not a set. Would love much more starcraft content since it happened. Characters like zeratul, overmind, aldaris etc should be playable.


Zerg works as a semi deterrent to asteroid anything because of Baneling, you buff that up and an asteroid kills it, you effectively wiped out your opponent’s board


I have been complaining about most of the recent sets and I will admit: contrary to my first impressions, I also really like this miniset and it is good to see some of the things I liked about past HS shine through. I hope the devs continue down this path.


Oh that’s why there are less Asteroid-Shamans! I actually like Zerg-DK a little bit more now.

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I too am happy to see that Asteroid Shaman is gone.

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