I lost my Signature card of Pop'gar the putrid

I got the Pop’gar the Putrid card in its signature version, two days later it disappeared and I only have its normal legendary version. Does anyone know what could have happened?

Either you hallucinated or you’re on the wrong account/realm?

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I saw this card today for the first time… It’s so nice. Open a ticket, however, Blizzard supports #1 response 99% of the time is… We can’t help you. It really should be their Mantra… The support that offer no Support.

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If virtual items are disappearing from any virtual CCG, that would be a major problem, as it undermines player confidence in the entire game.

So, I would expect Blizzard to take this very seriously, and at least try to establish what happened, in order to disprove any notion that a card simply “disappeared”, although in this case, the “disappeared” card looks to have been replaced by a regular copy. Remember that duplicate protection will prevent you pulling two versions of the same legendary until you own (or have owned) them all.

“We can’t help you” just isn’t good enough. They need to investigate to ensure cards are not simply disappearing. This data should be accessible, because of Duplicate Protection. For DP to work, the the data on every card you ever owned (including signature copies) must exist somewhere in the game. Therefore, DP should know if you ever owned the signature copy.

So, put in a ticket, and see how you get on.


That is a possibility if you have multiple accounts. Could that have happened?

The other thing is, and I know its possibly a stupid question, BUT… did you actually pull the signature Pop’gar from a pack, or was it created in-game?

I was playing the signature Wishing Well (I bought the battlepass) and all the cards it creates are signature quality where possible, and golden for everything else. So, although I don’t get them in my collection, I do get to see a load of signature legendaries while playing the deck. Could that have happened?