I lost my sanity in a poor game design environment

I play now and then when I have time but every single time I manage to make a deck, they just nerf everything and I need to start it over. Last one was tendrils. After I got the dust to make card by card they just destroyed it to dust in a single patch.

And now? What is with this warrior clownfiesta in standard. 20 out of 20 games are vs warriors where you have 1% chance to win. At least let us play with 30 rats into our decks so we will have a chance.

Devs are incompetent by miles! 3 classes have zero identity and zero decks viable

I am sad to say but I am done with this. My best decision was to not buy anymore packs 1 year ago and boy what a good decision I made.


It’s bad. They destroyed tendrils because they added cards that duplicated battle cries. They should at least of offered a free refund on the loaner decklist of cards that was tendril rogue. Pretty bad to offer that then destroy it.

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Flagrant trolling and off topic.

100% spending money is a mistake, and it’s good you recognized this, especially since they kicked the predatory monetization into high gear.

It’s only going to get worse, especially since the only defense the most staunch pro company poster can muster is “quit playing, or you’re an addict.” Especially when those same people used to denounce such calls as “vandalism.”

yes trash tier devs, trash game,

they should be fired for their incompetence



my bad for giving too much attention to this


rogue was running tendrils too without brann…

and its good they nerfed that one one of the best nerfs because it was done by buffing a card!

After these buffs and nerfs, the classes I collect no decks were working anymore!! I collect: Mage, Druid, Paladin, DK, Warlock. Before the nerfs, Warlock and DK were the classes that had very strong decks!! … After these buffs and nerfs, any DK build became very weak, the warlock became weak, all the classes I collect didn’t have a deck to win games in a row!!
The classes that are strong in my opinion: 1)Token Hunter (Win condition 4th turn and Blizzard doesn’t nerf!) 2)Reno Warrior (The hero Reno was buffed by killing DK’s plague deck) 3)Rogue (the rogue gained 2 powerful cards in this new miniset!!)
I didn’t feel like playing Hearthstone, my only motivation is the chest, so I first set up a Reno Mage (I’m the only one who has the courage to play with a Reno deck as a mage!), I played 10 games, won 6 and I lost 4, faced two Reno Warrior which made me sad and I switched to a Reno Druid Dragon (the druid’s minions are much stronger than the mage’s and not to mention that the druid has legendaries for this type of deck, the mage doesn’t there is!!) I played 10 games of Reno Druid Dragon, won 8 and lost 2, both against Reno Warrior!
I was on Reno Mage and OBLITERATED every DK plague deck I could face!! I laughed a lot!! DK’s plague deck is gone!!

You people living in US should sue this trash company for scamming.

Don’t craft a bunch of cards for a Standard meme deck? Wild is usually safeish.

When crafting, I always ask myself, “how many decks does this go in?” If the answer is “One”, I usually pull the plug. There are exceptions, because Armored Porcupine is hilarious.

What about the cards that are just straight “I’ll use this if I can’t think of anything else to use” filler like Transfer Student?