I like mage but it's rubbish! Blame the fired people!

As a mage player, I play until the gold rank, then you have to change classes and play with one of the top 3 in the rank: DK because I invested a lot in this class, but mage I have everything!!
It’s a very stressful game and I only play to get to D5, then I stop playing this stressful game!! Very unfair!! I faced a Japanese prient, the guy stole my cards, played my game and even made me lose the two legendary minions with two dirty rats!!
Why doesn’t the mage get any interesting cards?? The warrior was already strong and won an exclusive Brann! What did the mage get in the last miniset?? A naga with a simple effect! I don’t even use it because it’s so rubbish! No pro player plays mage, no YouTuber, nothing, just us… and I’m only going to play until gold and I stopped, now I’m going to play dk!!

Why can’t the mage get good cards?? Microsoft is failing to fire more people!!


I do not think that will help you. If Microsoft fires a certain amount of people do not mean that Microsoft will hire equal numbers off new people. It does not even mean that they will hire any new people. Less people working will not increase your chanses off them be able to produce cards to your future liking.

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I agree. I’m a Mage main but it’s really tough to enjoy the game right now. Sif is the only reliable strategy and that’s even not as good with all of the bonkers stuff they’re printing for other classes. How Warriors got Brann baffles me. That card is incredibly annoying.

+1 here

I do enjoy the game still, but hey, I’d enjoy much more if they didn’t desecrate my favorite class (I only chose Valeera’s avatar cuz she looks the most badass)

It’s so funny how they even released a Legendary Skin for Mage while the Class has built residence on the bottom layer of hsreplay for like a month plus now.

Agreed btw.

I don’t particularly want to argue either way about Mage specifically but

I’m sorry but there’s nothing stressful about and endless string of weak bots that don’t know what to play. They might not let you play greedy but just don’t build your deck greedy. Making it to D5 has never been chiller.

Scrotie. Although you often nuances the forums with a touch of reason, it’s not up to you to decide what other players find stressful.

I love how Ice Block is still an insane (maybe even the best) card even 10 years after the fact. Especially as tech cards/secret tech is laughable if you ever even include them in your deck these days (only one that might see play and not be terrible in other matchups is Hunter Flare). Obviously it has been made worse with things like discovers and rewinds and drawing it from your deck and making it cost 0 for only 2 mana. Add in things like reverberations and mana cost reductions and Time Warp, of course…and it’s just like…damn. What used to be a very strong but ultimately beatable card has turned into an unbeatable monster of a card. It’s weird/sad and honestly idk if they will or even can do something about it.

I think the only thing they can realistically do is increase time warps completion condition. 8 spells was a lot back in the day…but now that can only be like 1-2 turn worth of spells. There should be some actual cost to completing the quest. Make it 10 spells at minimum, or more realistically 12 spells if you want it to stop being a problem/menace.

Oh yeah I forgot the draw/spring water type stuff too

Fine, “nothing” was an exaggeration. I should have said “almost nothing”

I invested so much in DK to end up playing with a free red DK deck and destroying everyone!! Every time I faced the standard Raimbow dk on build sites I destroyed it every time, if I pick up the mage to face it I feel sorry for the mage player, because the DK has a legendary minion that he destroys on the field, in his hand and in the deck, every Sif deck has few minions!! Cry mage!! I play with a deck of repeated cards, I even add Reno’s new hero, at the end of the game he does damage!!

I’ve already reached D10, but it’s very difficult to climb with a lot of highlander warrior decks and the other most boring deck is the warlock deck!

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