I can always predict who the algo wants to win

Ah the classic “I can’t actually win or be right so instead I’ll call the person I can’t win or be right against some childish insult” maneuver, great work, you nailed it!

There is no good reason for stating a genius level IQ, unless, you’re going to admit that we should’ve backed Nicola Tesla, instead of RCA! Even then, we lost one of the greatest minds in history to greed!

People are stupid. An individual is smart when he’s left alone, to do his thing, when properly equipped with all of the tools that he needs. That being said, how can an organization of so-called ‘geniuses,’ measure the intellectual prowess of an individual?

Anyone can learn anything, regardless of thier IQ level. That’s a fact. Just because a person can’t do something, doesn’t mean that they are stupid. It simply means that they haven’t the experience of doing that thing, and it’s quite possible, that thier brains are too busy doing something else.

A, so-called, genius, is simply someone who’s brain has swollen beyond the capacity of the normal human head, and doesn’t actually track the psyche. Tesla, famously, said that he was in communication with Martians, yet we would never have mastered radio and field theory without his contributions.

I’ve known enough smart people to know that they are constantly questioning reality, to such an extent, that it makes living a normal life very difficult. This is what I refer to as the ‘swollen brain syndrome.’ Einstein was famous for not being able to perform simple tasks, yet he could do calculations in up to 26 dimensions in his head.

Is that then, genius? The inability to live a normal life?? Or, is is something else, entirely???

We’re all, potentially, genius level thinkers. However, most of us simply don’t have the luxury of time, and energy, to sit around contemplating the mysteries of the multiverse!

Imagine a machinist in Indonesia playing with a Rubic’s Cube for 8 hours when he gets home from work! Not gonna happen!

I really like this idea. I do!

I used to make games. I know that randomness just doesn’t work in every situation, and can actually cause a program to crash unexpectedly.

Use the wrong call on routine that should normally be intuitive, can result in disaster for the rest of the body of code. For this reason, we have playtesters. Actual people, paid to play the game for a bit, and see if they can break it.

Without rigorous playtesting, it would be unlikely that anyone could produce a quality game. This is why some games are wildly successful, and most are total flops!

Consider, Monopoly, a game that was considered a family pastime that went way beyond it’s life expentancy!

Never trust pure randomness in your gaming experience. It’s just not possible, not even in Blackjack, because there’s always the chance to beat the odds! This is a card game, after all, and if you choose to look at it that way, instead, your odds winning will increase dramatically!

Not that I’m a fan of people who attempt to brag about their alleged IQ’s, but that’s… not really how it works.

IQ is a standardized scoring assigned to an individual to gauge relative aggregate problem solving and pattern recognition skills. If you’re just 2 standard deviations below min value on the average range, that literally means you have significant difficulty learning things, relatively speaking. Any further and we start down the road of becoming nonverbal or otherwise in need of permanent and significant aid for daily life.

And, this changes over time, because it’s relative to others in your chronological age bracket. A 5 year old that can understand the quadratic formula is likely to score a HUGE positive variance on a formal IQ test, but by the time they’re high-school age? That’s more or less considered common knowledge among developed countries with standardized education systems.

The greatest failure the education system ever gave us 90’s + early aughts kids, was the idea that “you can do anything you put your mind to.” That’s just not true.

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About 2 months ago, I played almost 4 times in a row against a war (it was not the same player) with the same type of deck (to win with armor).
I created a deck especially “to kill wars” (but this deck was unsuitable so “bad” against other types of heroes) : I did not come across any war anymore…
As I was losing against the other heroes, I removed my “anti war” deck and right after, I came up against a war !!!

This is not proof of anything, it is just a fact.
Maybe chance, I don’t know.

Nobody will be able to prove this. :nerd_face:

Nobody can prove that the game “cheats” and nobody can prove that the game “doesn’t cheat”, we can only make hypotheses that can be true or false.

You know unicorns don’t exist, yet you can’t prove it (I’m talking about a living animal of course).
You know lions exist and you couldn’t prove it on this forum either (you can create any image with AI, special effects or whatever)…

What I mean is, why debate a hypothesis and why ask for proof of something that can’t be proven ?

If you knew anything about games, you would know they don’t make them truly random.
Because random sucks.

When RNG Runs Rampant

Randomness can improve games but also has its pitfalls:

  • Frustration – RNG can override player agency, undermining the impact of good decision-making. Nothing stings like losing due to dice rolls despite smart play.
  • Repetition – Too much randomness leads to repetitive gameplay, lacking direction. Progress in RPGs requires earning predictable rewards beyond random drops.
  • Predictability – Basic algorithms generate predictable randomness patterns. Savvy players can “game the system” and exploit RNG quirks.
  • Accessibility – Heavy RNG alienates professional and casual audiences alike. Newbies feel overwhelmed, while pros are robbed of meritocracy.

For these reasons, designers carefully scope randomness systems arou

“### Telemetry-Based Systems
Some games dynamically tune randomness based on player telemetry. For example, a drop rate algorithm could detect your bad loot streak and increase odds of a rare item.
When informed by data, randomness stays exciting while avoiding extremes like droughts. AI and machine learning will enable even more intelligent RNG.”

Telemetry-Based Systems, one thing you will notice is if you don’t play for a month and then start playing again you will WIN A LOT OF MATCHES.

As a genius, I noticed this right away after the game first came out.
I also noticed the more you keep playing the more games you will start to lose. Say if you play for 10 hours straight while watching reruns of “Threes company” on Pluto TV.
You will lose so many games you might as well stop playing.
I assume this happens because if you play that long an anti-botting system gets triggered.

If you truly think this game is random, then you are wrong.

Which blizzard employee are you? Or are you admitting you’ve hacked the game and reverse-engineered it down to source code?

Alternatively, link to 3rd party proof where an actual blizz employee corroborates your claims.

I have already proven it is not random.

What is the appeal to authority fallacy?

The appeal to authority fallacy is the LOGICAL FALLACY of saying a claim is true simply because an authority figure made it. This authority figure could be anyone: an instructor, a politician, a well-known academic, an author, or even an individual with experience related to the claim’s subject.

The statement itself may be true. A statement’s truthfulness has nothing to do with whether it’s fallacious or not. What makes the appeal to authority a logical fallacy is the lack of evidence provided to support the claim. It follows this format:

An individual, who is an expert in Y field, says X is true.

Therefore, X is true.

Except in this case, it’s not “appeal to authority” because I’m literally referring to the rules that you are violating:

License Limitations. Blizzard may suspend or revoke your license to use the Platform, or parts, components and/or single features thereof, if you violate, or assist others in violating, the license limitations set forth below. You agree that you will not, in whole or in part or under any circumstances, do the following:

Derivative Works: Copy or reproduce (except as provided in Section 1.B.), translate, **reverse engineer, derive source code from, modify, disassemble, decompile**, or create derivative works based on or related to the Platform.

Cheating: Create, use, offer, promote, advertise, make available and/or distribute the following or assist therein:
    cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
    bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;
    hacks; i.e. accessing or modifying the software of the Platform in any manner not expressly authorized by Blizzard; and/or
    any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;

Data Mining: Use any unauthorized process or software that intercepts, collects, reads, or “mines” information generated or stored by the Platform; provided, however, that Blizzard may, at its sole and absolute discretion, allow the use of certain third-party user interfaces.

Unauthorized Connections: Facilitate, create or maintain any unauthorized connection to the Platform including without limitation (i) any connection to any unauthorized server that emulates, or attempts to emulate, the Platform; and (ii) any connection using third-party programs or tools not expressly authorized by Blizzard.

What all of that means is that you don’t have the source code to this game, unless you intentionally violated some or all of these rules and regulations, willingly and intentionally.

Alternatively, instead of a hacker, you could claim to be an official blizzard employee authorized by its parent company to speak on such matters. But, impersonating them is another offense:

Impersonating a Blizzard Employee

This category includes:

  • Passing yourself off as a Blizzard employee to post false information

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums

Or, instead of a hacker or a Blizz employee, you might have “seen” the source code elsewhere via unofficial means. But, that is ALSO a problem since you’re POSTING about it:

Posting Unreleased Content / Hacking Data Files

This category includes language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

Show unreleased in-game items, equipment, or areas that have been unlocked by hacking into client data files
Show the results of hacking or any tampering of the game’s MPQ files
Discuss, or display any data not available through normal game play

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

Be permanently banned from the forums

Or, of course, you might just be lying. In which case:

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Cross Linking Threads

This category includes:

  • Linking to threads from other forums
  • Creating threads with the sole purpose of linking another post

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums


This category includes advertisement of:

  • Any non-beneficial, non-Blizzard related businesses, organizations, or websites

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

So, regardless of whether you’ve maliciously hacked the game to back your claim that “it’s rigged,” or if you’re impersonating a blizz employee, or if you’re spilling the beans illicitly, or if you’re just trolling… it all boils down to you violating SEVERAL forum rules.

Though, you could just be severely mistaken. Maybe you were just guessing about all of this, and might be inclined to offer an apology for wasting our time?

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This is completely wrong. It is the military that has done most of the research on IQ for over a hundred years because they want to win wars.

Minimum enlistment standards since World War II have generally been higher than the 10th percentile, and closer to what they are today for the different services: the 16th percentile on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (Army about IQ 85), 21st percentile (Marine Corps and Air Force, IQ 88) and 27th percentile (Navy, IQ 91)

The reason for this is that it was determined that anyone with an IQ under 85 cannot do anything that won’t wind up being counterproductive. Even mopping or cleaning cannot be done. I have worked with low IQ people and they can’t do things. They don’t have abstract thinking. They may know to move the mop over the floor, but they really don’t understand the bigger concept of why they are doing it and what the mop does.

Ok, so think about that. 10% the USA population is lower than 85% which means there are a lot of people that cannot do anything meaningful in society like work or whatever.

It doesn’t matter how much money you throw at the problem.
Say a school is in an area where the average IQ is 85, the government believes, let’s just keep throwing billions and billions at that school to get these people smart. It won’t work. Waste of money.

Look at an IQ map of the USA. In most of the Midwest, any random person you meet is going to have a higher IQ than the average of 100. This is also why in the Midwest, schools don’t need a lot of funding to turn out very educated people.

The average person in the Midwest usually will have an IQ about 10pts higher than someone from California.

These are averages.

IQ is hereditary like other traits. This is also why I am a genius.

Action, or in this case, your INACTION, speaks louder than words:

You’re not going to respond to that? Not even one single word?

The forums only allow me to respond to one person at a time on a thread I made.
I have to wait for another post to respond.
That is what it says if I respond to someone and then try to respond to another person.

Example: There are two posts I want to respond to.
I respond to one of them, and my post is now the last one in the thread.
I can’t make another response until another person posts in the thread.

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Here you go, now you can make another post.

its crazy the amount of effort some of the forum dwellers will go to to “disprove” silentstorm.
nothing they say can in any sense be considered objective, because their entire life revolves around hearthstone and defending it by all means necessary. all day every day typing lengthy comments about some supposed truth.

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Again, with the swollen brain concept…

Okay, so many inventors were successful in the early days of the Industrial Revolution. One of those was Thomas Edison. A natural born genius. Right?


Thomas Edison was a hard worker. He took his craft very seriously (except when it came to competing with a real genius, like Tesla), and perfected the lightbulb.

His experimentation was lagging for a very long time, due to that fact that he didn’t understand how gas and the elements consumed each other. Eventually, after trial and error, he came up with the carbon filiment.

As I remember it, and correct me if I’m mistaken, someone suggested to Edison that he try wood. This was because he had tried everything else as a filiment, and it didn’t work. The lightbulb just kept burning out too quickly, and popping.

When he did try using wood, it quickly carbonized, leaving a tiny speck of carbon filiment which could not be consumed. Voila! The Lightbulb!

Is trial and error genius?
Isn’t that the very basis of modern science today?
Anyone can learn anything.

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You need a high IQ to have abstract thinking. Without abstract thinking, you can’t think outside the box.

Thomas Edison’s IQ is not known for certain, as he never took an intelligence test. However, experts believe that his IQ was somewhere **between 165 and 185, which would place him in the ‘genius’ range. Another source estimates his IQ to be around 145, reflecting his monumental impact on technology and innovation.

Edison’s intellectual capabilities can be attributed to a variety of factors. His insatiable curiosity, for instance, drove him to constantly explore and experiment, leading to numerous inventions and discoveries.

Furthermore, Edison was known for his remarkable problem-solving skills. He was able to approach problems from unique angles and come up with innovative solutions, a trait that undoubtedly contributed to his success as an inventor.

Edison’s achievements are a testament to his intellectual capabilities. He held 1,093 patents for his inventions, including the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the practical electric light bulb.

The phonograph, Edison’s first great invention, was a groundbreaking device that could record and reproduce sound. This invention required a deep understanding of acoustics, mechanics, and other scientific principles.

Edison’s ability to conceptualize and create such a complex device is indicative of his high cognitive abilities. It’s another piece of evidence suggesting that his IQ would likely have been well above average.


If we assumed it was rigged to make you lose sometimes on purpose, you have to first prove that’s it’s malicious against you.

Are you sure it’s not just part of the MMR system which makes you lose easily if you first win?