I am rank 5 Silver

Is there a reason I am being faced against legendary level players?

Edit: is it possible that he is legend elsewhere (e.g. in wild) and that´s the rank I see?

how can you tell if you are facing a legend player?


oh, sorry, he added me after the match ended.

assuming he actually is, then the next question is: what was your rank previous months?

Always silver, I think I got to gold rank once like 5 months ago.

Supposedly, you are at the same skill level as your opponent. Riiight.
Then you google Activision patented matchmaking algorhytm, and it suddenly makes sense why.

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It’s happened to me several times as well in the past. I’m now ranked Legend and occasionally find myself playing people ranked Gold. That’s rare though. I mostly face lower Diamond or Legendary.

Yes, it’s possible they’re Legend in a different format, but not Standard.

Look again at their Legend logo. Wild has vines. I don’t know how Classic looks like.

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Its about MMR and not your rank, so playing against legend isnt that strange. You dont have to be highly skilled to reach legend, you just need the willpower to grind. So its easily possible that someone grinded their way to low level legend with an aggro-deck and then changed to a deck they are not familiar with.

As others have said MMR factors in heavily. Also, time of day and player availability. The system will try to match you as closely as possible for rank *and *MMR. If, perhaps due to lack of available players, it can’t then it will start expanding the search.

Classic Legend looks like Butters from South Park. (No joke, just make Google picture search with both.)

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As far as I have seen from the game devs, MMR only factors in at Legend rank play. If I’m wrong I’d happily read the info.