I am out until Warriors are nerfed into the ground

Title says it all, they have been WAY to OP for TO LONG and especially now. I will come back once they are back down to earth.


Just watch TV or something while you rope these people the entire game. If everyone does it less people will play this crap.

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Oh no! More xp while I play my slow control deck, whatever will I do?

Speaking of which, that’s another terrible change that promotes toxicity.

Reward people for playing slower.

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All people involved with Warrior design should be fired. This class literally is making me never again spend money on the game. It is a small gesture but one that I think more people should take. Hit them where it hurts, in the bottom line. Do not spend money on the dumpster fire of a game.


And what exactly do you think the speed your playing is when you rope?

Don’t need to be nerfed to the ground… but need to do something with Reno, Brann, endless board clears, TNT and tons of armor building… oh wait… yeah… need to be nerfed to the ground, you are right, my bad sorry! :rofl: They still can get way too much armor too easily… but that is just one problem of course… the others are much more bigger than that. DK is almoast the same problematic with endless Plagues, boardclears but since Reno change even those can’t hold back Warrior anymore.

see you tommorow

thats how long you last every time you say “im out”

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as long as they dont rope like those pathetic toxic players ive seen here post here so proud of being ropers

You know a class is problematic when they already have a broken legendary in standard (Odyn) but don’t even need it because they have something even better (Brann).

The devs do not play their own game. That’s the bottom line. They would have never thought to buff Brann and the other highlander cards otherwise, especially when they weren’t even performing poorly to begin with. In addition, it contradicts their design philosophy of not having cards that are borderline frustrating to play against, exactly like the new Brann and Reno are. It’s really a shame.