I advise literally everyone to abandon everything about this game

I advise literally everyone to abandon everything about this game.


I advice everyone, to make his/her own opinion. This includes the opinion about the post above me as well as the opinion about my own post.


My post is more of an advice than an opinion.

Hearthstone brings great pain in my life :frowning: but it’s a nice distraction while in the subway.

Best most informative topic on this forum! ALSO this game brings great pain to ones bank account.

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Yeah, all it takes is to have a bad opening hand and you’re done. The other guy probably had the best top deck in return. Not much chance to recover in Hearthstone.


If it brings a great pain then, that’s another reason to completely quit it.


Very simple and very clear.

So why advise it, but not follow it yourself? :thinking:

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With great power comes great responsibility :slight_smile:

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Because if people follow their advise, they will be able to get to legend without difficulty. :grinning: Unless too many people follow it, then they would never queue into a game.

Because it is our job to be mindful and watch out for our fellow friends. If someone is stealing from you neighbor do you not try to intervein?

The game is fine. I suggest taking a long break then coming back. Game feels almost brand new if you sit out a couple expansions.

I only play battlegrounds these days. The combos can be fun and its clear hearthstone will be an rng flooded mess for years to come. Hopefully battlegrounds gets real improvement (remove gentle brutosaur).

Just a reminder to everyone.

And do something meaningful with that time, like spending time with your family, exercising and reading books? Alright.

But you didn’t even take your own advice. Why should we listen to you?

is that literal literally or figurative literally?

.Literal literally

Should Hearthstone be quarantined?