HS rigged? Matchmaking favoritism

Sadly, I was right. You didn’t have a clue what I was referencing.

No one can debate or talk to you about proofs and claims if you don’t even have the slightest inclination of how they work. When I said you didn’t know what I was talking about, you just proved it with this one sentence.

I don’t know if anyone here can help you and I doubt you’re eager enough to want to educate yourself.

I’d give you the source material to start learning, but I fear you would dismiss it so what’s the point? There’s no way to continue the thread if you aren’t willing to learn.


hey, better than that guy who married his DS.

One side can’t.

It’s impossible to prove that something does not exist.

To prove that, I give you the following challenge: prove that you are not a murderer.

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They don’t understand this concept. And I doubt they are willing to understand it.

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I suggest care to not waste too much effort for nothing xD

You’re talking to a person who is cynical and kinda intelligent, and loves to troll people, bait reactions and try to get them banned

Once he was pulling my nose for 15 minutes, asking when’s the patch gonna be live, when it was already live for half an hour, lying to me he didn’t get the patch until I lost my nerves and started flaming

Then someone explained to me to take a look at his other posts, and I realized xD

TL;DR → I don’t even think that person believes the game is rigged. I believe he’s just trolling


Sure they can. All they have to do is show how with enough skill they can achieve a 100% win rate. Because there is no rigging involved, right? So that means every match there is a chance to win, right? Should be simple and easy. Where’s the person who is so good at the game they can do this? Would prove it right out of the water. Don’t worry, I’ll (still) wait

LOL This is so true considering the latest excuse. Show me a win rate of 100% and that shows me the game isn’t rigged.

Yeah, show me the guy who wins the lottery 100 times in a row, and that proves the lottery isn’t rigged.

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How do you think people complete the 12 rank wins in a row achivement…
With enough skill, a good deck and a bit of luck you can go a ton of games without a loss.

I know that concept might seem alien to you given no doubt you were unable to achive such a thing but this forums are full with people that go on massive win streaks and post them here all the time.

If you put as much effort learning the game as you do with insane la la land talk you might 1 day do it as well.

Or you can keep blamming the flying spaghetti monster or whatever unseen evil force that prevents you from getting a win lmao.

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12 is far too small a sample size…make it 100 games win in a row, and that is statistically relevant to prove the game has no rigging. Again, the ball is in your court. I await the proof, I’m excited to see it!

Yeah, he’s actually testing our intelligence, lol

He’s mocking the tin-foiled hats for believing the game’s rigged, and at the same time fishing for people who think they’re smart, but fall for this bait


A confirmed troll at this point. There’s no way it isn’t.


I understand that it seems no one is going to be able to provide proof the game is not rigged…Shame. After all the bluster, I expected something better. I really wanted to be proven wrong.

It’s Obvious. There I proved that rigging doesn’t exist.


You were, unfortunately you’re too dumb to understand why.

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Again with the baseless personal attacks, huh? Incredible how that works. I hope you will be able to take a critical thinking course in college someday and learn about arguments and fallacies. Because you good kind sir or miss…have failed, have lost. I appreciate you granting me the free win, I guess :person_shrugging: though idk why I honestly expected better. At least some semblance of proof. But you couldn’t even do that. Pity.

Be sure to look up the fallacy fallacy, in your studies.

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Why would I do that? You already admitted defeat. Far as I’m concerned whatever you keep trying to type to me is icing on my victory cake. Unless you have something actual to say? Until then, mmmm… :birthday:

So now in addition to making up evidence that doesn’t exist, you’re making up concessions that never happened.

Sure kid. Whatever you want is what is, must be nice to not have to care about the real world.

Let me know when you get out of high school.

I have two college degrees and I’m probably old enough to be your mom LOL, but I appreciate you for making me chuckle. It’s okay to admit defeat, you know. It’s far more noble a fate than the path you’ve been on.

Nope, Schyla’s analogy is basically perfect. YOU individually do not have good independent evidence of observations of the solar system, but you understand that various universities do. HSReplay has very good independent evidence of millions of recorded games. So does Vicious Syndicate, so does HSGuru, etc; it is a multi-party situation.

You do not need the stupid source code. Random is as random does.